
Policy 2103 — Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Policy section:
Section 2100-2199 Environmental
Policy number:
Occupational Health and Safety
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
February 5, 2002
Effective date:
February 5, 2002
Administered by:
Vice-President (Administration)


The purpose of this policy is to state ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½'s commitment to provide and maintain a healthy and safe workplace for all employees.


This policy applies to all employees.


Mount Allison is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all employees. The University will meet this commitment by

  • complying with the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act and other relevant regulations and standards;
  • making health and safety issues a priority in the planning, budgeting, implementation and ongoing management of University activities; and
  • providing training and safety programs appropriate to the daily operation of the University


The Vice-President, Administration has overall responsibility for the administration of programs and procedures to implement this policy.

The Human Resources Department has functional responsibility for operational matters relating to occupational health and safety including the development and implementation of programs and procedures, ensuring compliance with legislation, and facilitating communication between those individuals, groups and organizations with responsibilities for occupational health and safety.

Deans, department heads, directors, managers and supervisors are responsible for the safety of employees in their areas of responsibility. Persons with authority shall ensure that individuals directed by them understand and comply with prescribed safety regulations and established work practices. Persons with authority shall investigate all hazards and unsafe work conditions of which they become aware and shall take appropriate corrective action.

All University employees have a personal responsibility to work safely and to abide by the legislation, rules and established safe work practices that govern safety. All employees are responsible for their own safety and that of fellow employees. Employees have a duty to report unsafe or unhealthy conditions to their supervisors.

The University's joint health and safety committees play a primary role in the implementation of this policy. These committees monitor compliance with provincial legislation and regulations, recommend policies and procedures, promote awareness of matters pertaining to health and safety, conduct workplace investigations and safety audits and produce reports, and identify training requirements.

The University's health and safety steering group, comprised of representatives from the health and safety committees and senior management, serves as the link between senior management and the health and safety committees. This group has responsibility to support and oversee the development, implementation and management of University-wide policies, procedures and programs related to health and safety.


The University will maintain three health and safety committees to represent the mutual interests of employees and the University and to comply with the requirements of the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act. These committees will be:

  • Facilities Management Health and Safety Committee
  • Faculty/Staff Health and Safety Committee
  • Fine Arts and Sciences Health and Safety Committee

The terms of reference of each Committee are appended to this policy.

The University will also establish a health and safety steering group to serve as a link between senior management and the three health and safety committees. The steering group will consist of a minimum of three members from senior management and a representative from each of the health and safety committees. The group will meet a minimum of once every four months or more often as may be required.