
Policy 2106 — First Aid at Work

Policy section:
Section 2100-2199 Environmental
Policy number:
First Aid at Work
Approved By:
The Vice-President (Administration)
Approved date:
March 6, 2007
Effective date:
April 1, 2007
Administered by:
Director of Human Resources


ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ will ensure compliance with legislation relating to the provision of first aid services to employees


The Human Resources Department is responsible for the application and coordination of an overall campus first aid plan for employees as provided for in this policy.

For departmental requirements that extend beyond the campus first aid plan, Academic Department Heads and Administrative Directors are responsible for identifying those employees who require first aid training due to the nature of their responsibilities and ensuring that those employees are provided with such training. First aid certification and recertification courses will be offered by the University for these employees on a regular basis.


3.1 Designated First Aid Providers

There shall be four teams of designated first aid providers, each team responsible for a specific campus sector as specified in Appendix A.

Designated first aid providers will be trained and certified in accordance with New Brunswick Regulation 2004-130 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Additional training specific to the workplace will be given to designated first aid providers as required.

A list of the names and locations of designated first aid providers shall be maintained by Human Resources; distributed to all departments, to Security and to the Heating Plant; and posted on the Human Resources website.

Persons whose normal work would restrict their ability to administer first aid will not be designated as first aid providers.

Security Officers shall be trained to the level of first responder.

3.2 Location Information for Designated First Aid Providers

The names, locations, and phone numbers of the designated first aid providers for a building will be included in the Emergency Evacuation Procedure posted at all entrances and exits of that building.

3.3 Emergency Communications

For serious injuries/illnesses, employees are instructed to immediately call 911 and then

  • a. during business hours call one of the designated first aid providers for that building, or
  • b. call ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Security at 364-2228 available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

For injuries/illness that are not serious, employees are instructed to

  • a. during business hours call one of the designated first aid providers for that building, or
  • b. call ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Security at 364-2228 available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

3.4 Emergency Transportation

Persons with suspected serious or life threatening injuries must be transported by ambulance to the Sackville hospital unless the circumstances are such that delay in transportation would be life-threatening in which case any available means of transportation should be used.

Persons with minor injuries or illness can be transported by personal vehicle or taxi provided a designated first aid provider accompanies the injured or ill person along with the vehicle driver.

3.5 Reporting

An employee shall immediately report a workplace injury or occupational disease to his or her immediate supervisor. An Accident Report (WHSCC Form 67 – Report of Accident or Occupational Disease) must be completed by the employee and supervisor and submitted to the Human Resources Department within three (3) days of the accident.

Designated first aid providers shall prepare a written record of any treatment that is administered to a person and forward a copy of that record to the Human Resources Department. The record must be retained for a period of five (5) years after the date on which it was made.

3.6 First Aid Kits

First aid kits will be supplied as listed in Appendix B.

Each first aid kit will have a designated first aid provider assigned to maintain it. Chemistry Stores will maintain an inventory of supplies for the replenishment of first aid kits.

The location of the nearest first aid kit will be displayed on the Emergency Evacuation Procedure posted at all entrances and exits of each University building. A door of a room containing a first aid kit will be marked with a clearly visible green cross. First aid kits will not be kept under lock during business hours and they will be located so that they are readily accessible to designated first aid providers.

3.7 First Aid Training

All designated first aid provider must be trained to the minimum level as set out in New Brunswick Regulation 2004-130 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and must hold a valid certificate issued by an agency that meets the requirements of the Regulation.

Designated first aid providers will attend a minimum of six (6) hours of additional training each year.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the coordination of training for designated first aid providers and the associated record keeping.
Reference: New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act. New Brunswick Regulations 2004-130.

Appendix A — First Aid Teams

The campus is divided into 4 sectors as defined below. A team of designated first aid providers is responsible for each sectore.

Campus sector/Team Buildings withing sector designated first aid provider in building
A Athletic Centre
Convocation Hall
Hart Hall
B Barclay
Owens Art Gallery
C Bennett Building
Centennial Hall
Fitness Centre
McCain Student Centre
D Avard Dixon
Facilities Management
Fawcett Building
President's Cottage
Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts
Appendix B — Contents of First Aid Kits
  • 1 standard first aid manual (English and French)
  • 1 record book and pen or pencil
  • 1 pair of safety shears
  • 1 pair of tweezers
  • 1 variety pack of safety pins
  • 24 sterile adhesive strip bandages (size to be determined by nature and hazard of work)
  • 12 non-adherent pads (various sizes depending on the nature and hazard of work)
  • 4 stretch roller gauze (3 m)
  • 2 rolls of elastic bandages (7.5 cm)
  • 4 sterile compress dressings (100 mm x 100 mm)
  • 6 triangular bandages (1 m)
  • 2 rolls of adhesive tape (25 mm x 9 m)
  • 4 wet burn dressings (various sizes depending on the nature and hazard of work)
  • 6 abdominal dressings individually wrapped (20 cm x 25 cm)
  • 12 antiseptic cleansing towelettes individually wrapped (14 cm x 19 cm)
  • 6 individual packages of sugar
  • 1 container of antiseptic disinfectant for the skin (not iodine)
  • 1 water soluble burn treatment (55 g tube or more)
  • 6 pairs of disposable gloves (purple Nitrile)
  • 1 pocket mask
  • 1 package of cotton tipped applicators
  • 12 hand wipes or 1 bottle of hand cleaner
  • 1 shock blanket
  • Several puncture resistant plastic bags