
Policy 2220 — International Travel Involving Students

Policy section:
Section 2200-2299
Policy number:
International Travel Involving Students
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
June 1, 2005
Effective date:
June 1, 2005
April 17, 2013
June 4, 2024
Administered by:
Vice President, International and Student Affairs


Students, faculty, and staff at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ travel internationally to represent the University for various purposes that enhance the academic experience as well as ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½'s international presence and reputation abroad. Travel is undertaken for many reasons including pursuing academic research, attending conferences, participating in an international field school or exchange program, or traveling for athletics events and competitions. Travel, even within Canada, can present challenges, and international travel may present unusual and/or heightened risks. The purpose of this policy is to improve the likelihood of safe and beneficial experiences for all students and for faculty and staff who travel internationally.

For its part, ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ exercises its due diligence by putting processes and procedures in place to help mitigate risk. The ultimate objective is that any University-related travel that occurs internationally happens with careful planning, preparations and consideration for the associated risks. Necessary supports have therefore been identified so that the safety of the traveler and the success of the activity are not compromised.


This policy applies to all University-related international travel with students. University-related international travel with students is travel that is funded, required, or supported by the University, its faculty, or staff. This includes but is not limited to:

  • students participating in exchange or study abroad programs;
  • students participating in an academic departmental trip abroad for credit or not-for-credit;
  • students participating in a faculty-led international field school/course;
  • students attending a university-related conference abroad (this includes students attending a conference with a faculty member, with the support of a faculty member or academic department, for research purposes and/or to attend a conference with funding from Mou8nt Allison);
  • students conducting research with or without a faculty member;
  • students completing an internship or or other work placement at a company or organization with ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ funding (travel grant or scholarship);
  • students attending a competition for athletics or sporting event where they are representing the University;
  • faculty and staff traveling internationally as a Trip Leader, supervisor or coordinator for a ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ activity.

Student clubs and societies, including those sponsored by the ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Student Union (MASU), are not covered under this policy.


Any travel by undergraduate or post-graduate students from ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ for any university-related reason requires pre-approval from the University before the travel planning occurs. Pre-approval is done through an online form submitted to the International Centre. Approval is confirmed by email to the student and/or group of students. No non-refundable purchases should be made prior to approval being confirmed.

International university-related travel by students to countries or a region within a county which Global Affairs Canada has an assessed risk level of "Avoid non-essential travel" (orange) or "Avoid all travel" (red) or the equivalent, is prohibited. See Appendix #1 for Global Affairs Canada Travel Advisory Risk Levels and explanations. This prohibition applies as well to students that would be accompanied by a faculty or staff member for the travel.

If a Global Affairs Canada Travel Advisory risk level increases beyond the equivalent of "Exercise a high degree of caution" (yellow) whole the student or group is traveling, the student must contact the International Centre for guidance on the appropriate course of action and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

In the case of an emergency that may jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of a student or group, the University will make all reasonable efforts to coordinate with the student and/or faculty or staff traveling with the student and Canadian government officials to support the safety of students.

In the event of kidnapping or hostage-taking, ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ does not pay ransom, but actively works with Canadian and local authorities to enable early and timely release of all travelers detained against their will.

To ensure safe management of travel with students, ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ requires a maximum ratio of 1:15 (faculty or staff: students) on an international activity.


Responsibilities of Students: Students undertaking University-related international travel are responsible for preparing themselves in advance of their travel, completing tasks prior to and after the travel has taken place.

  • See Appendix #2 for Student International Travel Procedures;
  • Students are required to conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner and follow the University's Student Conduct Policy and any other University student policies in effect at the time of travel.
  • Students are responsible for ensuring they are physically and mentally prepared for international travel. For students with pre-existing medical conditions/health issues, they are responsible for consulting with and receiving approval from a healthcare provider prior to participating in a University-related activity.
  • Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with possible risks associated with the University activity and the travel destination, and for taking preventive measures to mitigate the risk, including receiving recommended vaccinations and medications.

Responsibilities of Faculty or Staff that travel with students (Trip Leaders): Staff and faculty who organize international travel that involves students are called Trip Leaders. They are responsible for completing certain tasks prior to and after the planning of an international activity.

  • See Appendix #3. Travel Procedures for faculty and staff that travel with students.
  • Faculty and staff who travel with students must understand that such travel often has unique and increased risks. As such, they must work in collaboration with the Manager of Global Learning & Partnerships, or their delegate in the International Centre, to understand their role and responsibilities while abroad (e.g. ability to mitigate risks and contribute to crisis resolution, ability to supervise students, uphold ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½'s reputation, and maintain positive relationships with partner universities and/or other partner organizations). ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ recognizes that some skills can be acquired through training and courses (e.g. Mental health first aid training course and/or CPR and first aid training) that are offered locally and is committed to help connecting faculty and staff with these resources.

Responsibilities of the Manager of Global Learning Partnerships or their designate in the International Centre: Responsibilities of this position include providing guidance on matters dealing with the health, safety and security of the University's interests abroad and identifying and promoting best practices in the areas of health, safety and security of ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ students and Trip Leaders engaged globally.

  • Ensure that supports and tools are in place for the effective administration of this Policy and the associated Procedures;
  • Ensures that all students receive pre-departure training and guidance for preparing for their international travel;
  • Ensures that Trip Leaders receive guidance and support for international travel before, during and after the activity;
  • Collect and manage information in a way that is consistent with other University Policies and relevant legislation;
  • Recommends Approval or Decline of travel activities based on the guidelines of this policy;
  • Communicates Approval of travel activity to Faculty or Staff that travel with students (Trip Leaders) after they have completed the Submission Form, except if it involves a faculty-led field school/course that is for academic credit;
  • Advise the relevant Approver identified in section 4 of any non-compliance with this policy.

Responsibilities of the Approver

A) Provost/VP Academic and Research

  • Review recommendations from the International Programs Committee on Approval or Decline of faculty-led international field school/courses. Consideration should include but is not limited to:
    1. Academic purpose of benefits to the travel plans;
    2. Risks to the students, faculty, staff and/or the University;
    3. Available funding;
    4. Sufficient lead time provided to ensure compliance with the policy.
  • Notify the faculty member (i.e. Trip Leader) and the International Centre of the decision, in writing;
  • Reviews recommendations from the Manager of Global Learning and Partnerships if the Approval of a travel activity is revoked due to non-compliance, notify both the Trip Leader and the International Centre in writing.

B) VP International and Student Affairs

  • Review recommendations from the Manager of Global Learning & Partnerships when a Pre-Approval form related to all other international student travel is Declined for travel plans. Consideration should include but is not limited to:
    1. Purpose of benefits to the travel plans;
    2. Risks to the students and/or the University;
    3. Available funding;
    4. Sufficient lead time provided to ensure compliance with the policy.
  • Notify the Student and the International Centre when travel is Declined, in writing;
  • If an Approval is revoked due to non-compliance of this policy, notify the Student and the International Centre in writing.


The Manager of Global Learning or their designate in the International Centre will maintain a list of students and Trip Leaders and will collect and store all completed forms and waivers. All information will be maintained in confidence.


The University will not provide funding or other institutional resources for any university-related international travel that does not comply with this policy. Compliance with this policy and its associated procedures is mandatory for incurring any travel expenses or for processing reimbursements, regardless of the funding source.

The University reserves the right to suspend or cancel planned travel at any point before departure for:

  • non-compliance with this Policy and other related policies or procedures;
  • the situation laid out in the travel plans changes;
  • changes to the risks involved with the travel plans.


The Vice-President, International and Student Affairs will review this policy after one year of implementation for feedback and review. Then will consult with other departments across the University, every five years of its implementation.

Appendix #1


Appendix #1 for Global Affairs Canada Travel Advisory Risk Levels and ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Travel Policy

Government of
Canada (GOC)
Travel Advice
and Advisories

Government of
Canada (GOC)
Risk Levels
Level ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½
Travel Policy
There are no
significant security
Exercise Normal
Security Precautions
Green Travel Permitted
There are identifiable
security concerns;
travellers should be
alert and vigilant to
their surroundings
Exercise High Degree
of Caution
Yellow Travel Permitted
There are specific
security concerns;
travellers should
reconsider their need to
travel at this time
Avoid Non-Essential
Orange Travel Prohibited
There is an extreme risk
to personal safety;
travellers should not
travel at this time
Avoid All Travel Red Travel Prohibited
Appendix #2


ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ students who travel abroad on a University-related activity are required to complete the steps as part of the pre-departure process to prepare for their international experience as well as to complete re-entry tasks after the completion of the experience. These steps will be clearly outlined and accessible for all students on the ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ website on the "Planning your International Experience" page. These steps include:

  • Complete the Travel Pre-Approval Form (all students) on the website. Please note that the University reserves the right to cancel or terminate the travel, if the travel does not comply with the policy. Students will be notified by the Manager of Global Learning and Partnerships or a designate if the travel has been approved. If the travel has not been approved, students will be notified by the Vice-President, International and Student Affairs.
  • Read the "Preparing to have an International Experience" page on the website and complete all required pre-departure tasks related to international travel.
  • Register with the Canadian Government (ROCA), if traveling on a Canadian passport.
  • Ensure comprehensive insurance for the duration of their time abroad. The International Centre requires all students that participate in a university-related international field school/course or exchange program to have Backpack insurance and this insurance will be charged to their student accounts prior to their international experience.
  • After completion of the international activity, students will complete the appropriate re-entry survey that will be sent to students by email from the International Office.
  • After completion, students will complete an Incident Report Form that will be sent to students by email from the International Office.


Appendix #3


1. Leading an international field course / school: If a faculty member of staff member (called a Trip Leader) at Mount Allison is interested in developing and offering an international field school/course or part of academic course abroad, they must receive approval from the University in advance of planning the activity. The Trip Leader should complete the by October 15 of the academic year they wish to offer the course (this includes spring/summer courses). This form can be found on the Faculty and Staff Gateway Sharepoint page "". All submissions will be reviewed by the International Programs Committee, a minimum of six months in advance of the intended dates of travel, and recommendations will be made to the Provost & Vice President Academic and Research. The Provost & Vice President Academic and Research or their delegate will inform the faculty or staff member (Trip Leader) of the Approval or Decline of the field school, along with the International Centre in writing of the final decision. If the field school/course is approved, the Trip Leader will then work in collaboration with the International Centre to offer this activity for students.

2. Planning travel with or for a student or group of students for other reasons: If a faculty or staff member is planning an international activity on behalf of a student or group of students, or will be traveling with a student or group of students, the faculty or staff member must complete the as soon as possible but no later than four weeks before departure.

International activities that faculty or staff members plan can include but are not limited to:

  • organizing a departmental trip;
  • attending a conference with or for a student (this includes students attending a conference with a faculty member, with the support of a faculty member or academic department, for research purposes and/or to attend a conference with funding from ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½);
  • conducting research with or without a family member;
  • completing an internship or other work placement at a company or organization with ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ funding (travel grant, research grant or scholarship);
  • students attending a competition for athletics or sporting event; where they are representing the University.

This form can be found on the Faculty and Staff Gateway Sharepoint page "".

All submissions for travel activities will be reviewed by the Manager of Global Learning and Partnerships. The Manager of Global Learning and Partnerships will notify the faculty or staff member if the travel activity is Approved in writing. IF the travel activity does not comply with policy or requires further consideration from the Provost and VP Academic and Research, the Provost and VP Academic and Research will notify the faculty or staff member.