
Policy 2221 — Academic and Athletic Travel Involving Students (domestic travel only)

Policy section:
Section 2200-2299
Policy number:
Academic and Athletic Travel Involving Students (domestic travel only)
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
March 1, 2007
Effective date:
March 1, 2007
December 1, 2011
February 1, 2012
Administered by:
Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research


The purpose of this policy is to manage the risks for students and trip leaders on academic and athletic team travel for which travel expenses are paid by ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½.


This policy applies to:

  • a.  Students participating in academic trips involving travel off campus;
  • b.  Students participating in athletic team travel;
  • c.  Students participating in other organized activities including conferences involving travel; and
  • d.  Employees and students traveling as academic trip leaders or co-ordinators and athletic team coaches or team managers.


1. All students requiring or choosing to participate in academic trips must complete the Travel Form and Travel Waiver by the earlier of a) three business days after the Deadline for Registration Changes as specified in the Academic Calendar or b) five days before the travel is to occur. Faculty, field trip leaders, or co-ordinators must collect the completed forms and waivers and deliver them to the secretary in the Deans’ Office by one or the other of these deadlines.
2. All students registered as members of athletic teams must complete the Travel Form and the Travel Waiver during pre season training. Team coaches or managers must collect the completed forms and waivers and deliver them to the secretary in the Athletics Office at least five business days before the travel is to occur.
3. Faculty, field trip leaders, co-ordinators, team managers or coaches must carry a checklist with names and emergency contact information for all participants on each trip covered by this policy. A copy must be left with a department contact.
4. Waivers must be executed according to the guidelines for the administration of academic and athletic travel.


In addition, the following guidelines and requirements are provided to minimize the risks involved in academic and athletic travel.
a. Incomplete forms will be sent back and must be returned completely filled out, before travel occurs.
b.  Vans, busses, and cars must be rented from the allowable list for rentals available through Financial Services. The additional liability and damage insurance offered by the rental company should be taken when students are transported for field trips, athletic travel, or other reasons. The University insurance covers all participants on University-arranged travel up to certain limits but the extra insurance ensures that any personal credit cards used to cover rental costs are not charged for damages.
c.  If the trip is a course requirement, this must be stated explicitly in the course outline distributed during the first week of class. If an academic course involves field trips, the locations, timing, duration and cost of such trips should be explicitly stated in writing before the travel form and waiver are presented for completion. Information should be distributed to students well in advance of the trip. It should include the objectives of the trip(s), special clothing or equipment needs, proposed working groups, and any other organizational matters. This will provide an opportunity for students to provide suggestions/input, which can be considered and, if appropriate, be acted upon prior to the trip.
d. At least one cell phone must be with the group. Cell phones can be signed out at the Helpdesk. Calls made on personal cell phones will be reimbursed by the department if used for emergency purposes.
e.  All trip leaders and coaches, or at least one of the travel participants, must have acquired a first aid certificate within the previous five years. A first aid kit must be taken on the trip.
f.  The use of personal vehicles to transport students is not recommended for insurance and liability reasons.
g.  All drivers must have a valid driver’s license. The driver must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited in all vehicles. All occupants of cars, vans, and trucks must wear seatbelts. Speed limits must be honoured. Traffic and parking violations and charges are the responsibility of the driver.
h. It is recommended that trip leaders and coaches ask students to inform them in advance of any physical, psychological (e.g. extreme fears), medical, dietary, or addiction-related problems, and any cultural or religious restrictions, that might affect their participation in field or sport activities, and/or their ability to endure the demands of the trip. If applicable, any special restrictions should be communicated to the group or key individuals, after consultation with any concerned student.
i. Students may exercise their right to "opt out" of an activity which causes anxiety, or that is contrary to their better judgment or cultural norms, but can at the same time participate in the field trip. Such a request to opt out of an activity should be accommodated, if appropriate.
j. Whenever possible, students participating in field trips should not work alone for safety reasons. Participants should identify themselves as students of the University if confronted by local individuals asking questions.
k. If a student infringes on the work of others (e.g., through harassment, intimidation, threats), the trip leaders and coaches retain the right to send the student home at the individual's expense. It is the responsibility of the trip leader or coach to notify the student's contact person and the department head, so that suitable arrangements can be made for returning the student home or to the University. Any student removed before completion will forfeit credit for the field trip.
Students should be informed that failure to comply with the University’s travel liability policies will result (as applicable) in de-registration from courses with a required travel component or cancellation of participation in athletic travel as per .


The secretary in the Deans’ Office and/or the secretary in the Athletics Office will maintain a list of students covered by this policy and will keep current the file of all completed forms and waivers. All information will be maintained in confidence and destroyed after five-years.


Forms and information can be found on the  (Faculty & Staff Gateway).