
Policy 3002 — Appointment of Professors Emeriti and Librarians Emeriti

Policy section:
Section 3000-3099 Special Appointments
Policy number:
Appointment of Professors Emeriti and Librarians Emeriti
Approved By:
The Board of Regents
Approved date:
September 18, 1987
Effective date:
July 1, 2002
April 4, 2003
Administered by:
Secretary of the Senate


The purpose of this policy is 

a. to establish criteria and procedures for awarding certain honorific academic titles to faculty members and librarians after their retirement in order to recognize sustained scholarly work and service to the University, and

b. to delegate to the Senate the power to award certain such titles as provided in this Policy.


The titles that will be awarded pursuant to this Policy are 'Professor Emeritus/Emerita', 'Librarian Emeritus/Emerita', 'Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita'and 'Associate Librarian Emeritus/Emerita'.


Faculty members and librarians who retired at the rank of 'Professor/Librarian' will be eligible for the title 'Professor Emeritus/Emerita' or 'Librarian Emeritus/Emerita', as the case may be.

Faculty members and librarians who retired at the rank of 'Associate Professor/Associate Librarian' will be eligible for the title of 'Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita' or 'Associate Librarian Emeritus/Emerita', as the case may be.


These titles will be awarded in accordance with this Policy to eligible faculty members and librarians who on retirement had at least 10 years of continuous service at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ as a faculty member or librarian. Emeritus status is not awarded posthumously and only one form of emeritus status will be granted by ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ to any one individual. 

These titles may be awarded in accordance with this Policy to faculty members and librarians who do not satisfy the length of service criteria in the previous paragraph but whose service was exceptional.

'Retirement' is defined as meaning leaving the university's employ through 'early retirement' at age 55 or beyond or 'normal retirement', as per the definition contained in the University's pension plan. This definition does not preclude consideration under the previous paragraph of those faculty members or librarians who do not satisfy the criteria under this section but whose service has been exceptional.


There shall be a Committee on Emeriti Appointments made up of:

a. two persons with emeriti appointments nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by Senate,

b. three faculty or librarian members of Senate nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by Senate,

c. two Regents or Senators appointed by the Board of Regents,

d. one student member of Senate nominated by the Committee on Committees and approved by Senate, and

e. the Secretary of Senate, who shall chair the Committee.


The Committee on Emeriti Appointments shall meet before March each year to draw up a list of those who satisfy the criteria in the first paragraph of section 4 above, and to consider possible recommendations to Senate on others who do not satisfy those criteria but who might satisfy the criteria under the second paragraph of section 4, without in either case being limited in any way by the date on which a faculty member or librarian retired.

Once the Committee approves the list of those who satisfy the criteria in the first paragraph of section 4 above, the Secretary of Senate shall write those on the list to advise them of the honour they will receive, and shall advise the Senate, the President, and the Executive Committee of the names of those who will be so honoured.

If the Committee recommends that emeriti appointments be made to persons who do not satisfy the criteria in the first paragraph of section 4, pursuant to the second paragraph of section 4, those recommendations shall be made to Senate before its March meeting. The Senate shall vote on each recommendation by secret ballot. The decision of Senate shall be final. The Secretary of the Senate shall write to each of those the Senate has decided to honour in this way, and shall advise the President and the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents of the names of those who will be so honoured. 

The names of those to receive this honour will be announced at the regular Spring Convocation and their honorific titles will be effective when they are so announced.


The honour is the most important aspect of these titles and the title does not imply that any allocation of University resources will be made.

The privileges of the title include being:

a. recognized by the University on certain special occasions,

b. listed in the University Calendar,

c. granted full faculty library borrowing privileges,

d. entitled to use the University as a mailing address for scholarly purposes,

e. eligible for administrative support in applying for external research grants, and

f. eligible for internal research grants where appropriate.

Access to additional support services (office space, laboratory space, secretarial assistance) are not automatic privileges although they may be granted on a low priority basis. If granted, such privileges shall be reviewed at least annually.


The Executive Committee of the Board of Regents retains the sole authority over other categories of honorific emeriti appointments.


The University policy entitled 'Appointment of Professors Emeriti and Librarians Emeriti', approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents on September 18, 1987, is repealed effective July 1, 2002.


This policy will come into effect on July 1, 2002.