
Policy 3104 — Authority to Appoint Faculty and Staff

Policy section:
Section 3100-3199 Staffing
Policy number:
Authority to Appoint Faculty and Staff
Approved By:
The Executive Committee of the Board of Regents
Approved date:
June 27, 2001
Effective date:
July 1, 2001
April 4, 2003
August 29, 2007
August 26, 2011
April 21, 2017
December 15, 2021
Administered by:
Vice-President (Finance & Administration)


The purpose of this policy is to establish the authority for making appointments of faculty and staff other than appointments of students, stipends as defined in the MAFA part-time collective agreement or term appointments for less than $10,000. Nothing in this policy shall supercede the authority granted to the Board of Regents by the ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Act and University by-laws.


2.1 President, Vice-Presidents and Deans

The Board of Regents shall appoint the President and the President shall appoint of the Vice-Presidents.

Appointments of academic Deans, RJCBS Director and University Librarian are governed by policy 3001, Appointment and Re-Appointment of Deans and Faculties, the Director of the Ron Joyce Centre for Business Studies, and the University Librarian.

 The Human Resources Committee of the Board of Regents shall be notified in a timely manner of the appointment, resignation, termination or retirement of he Vice-Presidents, academic Deans, the RJCBS Director and University Librarian.

2.2 Faculty and Staff

The Department of Human Resources shall formally appoint all other faculty and staff with the authorization of the appropriate University authority as provided below.

2.2.1 Faculty and Librarians

The Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research, after consultation with the President, shall authorize all searches for faculty members and librarians for which positions exist in the University budget.

The President shall, after considering the recommendations of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research, approve the appointment of all tenured or tenure-track faculty members and librarians. The Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research, shall approve faculty and librarian appointments that are not either tenured or tenure-track.

2.2.2 Other Positions

The President shall approve all other appointments, although the President may delegate to an appropriate senior officer the authority to provide such approvals.


The University budget is approved by the Board of Regents and is based on a certain number of permanent positions, defined as probationary and tenured faculty and librarian positions and probationary and permanent non-bargaining unit administrative positions. The President must spend University funds in the context of this budget and has no authority to fill permanent positions that are not provided for in the budget. Nevertheless, where in the President's opinion it is in the interests of the University to fill such a position, the President may authorize the advertisement of the position. Furthermore, and notwithstanding the Board policy entitled The President's Authority to Spend, the President may also authorize the appointment of a person to such a position provided either a) there is external funding for the position for a reasonable period of time or b) the Finance and Administration Committee is satisfied that adequate continuing funding is in place to support the position. The function of the Committee is not to assess the suitability of candidates or the departments to which the candidates will be appointed.


The Audit Committee of the Board shall instruct the External Auditors to include scrutiny of this policy in its work plan, and to report annually on adherence to this policy.