
Policy 3801 — Changes to Collective Agreements and their Interpretation

Policy section:
Section 3800-3899 Miscellaneous
Policy number:
Changes to Collective Agreements and their Interpretation
Approved By:
The Executive Committee of the Board of Regents
Approved date:
June 27, 2001
Effective date:
July 1, 2001
April 20, 2012
Administered by:
Vice-President (Administration)


The purpose of this policy is to keep the Finance and Administration Committee informed of proposed changes to the University's collective agreements and to establish the authority for implementing such proposals.


2.1 Negotiations to Renew an Agreement

During negotiations to renew a collective agreement, the Vice-President
(Finance & Administration) will keep the Finance & Administration Committee informed of the proposals of both parties to the agreement, and of the financial and other implications of these proposals. In the case of proposed changes that could have an effect on academic operations, the report will include a report from the Vice-President (Academic & Research) on the implications/effects of each change.

2.2 Changes Proposed During the Term of an Agreement

When changes are proposed during the term of an agreement, the Vice-President (Administration & Finance) shall provide the Finance & Administration Committee with a report detailing the proposed changes. This report will include both the old and proposed provisions, and the financial and any other implications/effects of each proposed change. In the case of proposed changes that could have an effect on academic operations, the report will include a report from the Vice-President (Academic & Research) on the implications/effects of each change.

2.3 Grievances

The Vice-President (Finance & Administration) will report to the Finance and Administration Committee all agreements concerning the meaning of clauses in collective agreements that are made to settle a grievance. The Vice-President will also advise the Committee of grievances that are going to arbitration including the issues in dispute and the University's position on those issues. Once a decision is made by a board of arbitration, the Vice-President will advise the Committee of the decision and the financial and other implications/effects of the decision. In cases that could have an effect on academic operations, the Vice-President (Academic & Research) will also submit reports to the Committee.


3.1 Approval by the Executive Committee

All changes to collective agreements, both during their terms and on their renewal, shall be approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents.