
Policy 5905 — Policy on Office Space During Sabbaticals and Other Leaves

Policy section:
Section 5900-5999 Miscellaneous
Policy number:
Policy on Office Space During Sabbaticals and Other Leaves
Approved By:
Vice-President, Academic and Research
Approved date:
February 25, 2008
Effective date:
February 25, 2008
Administered by:
Academic Deans/University Librarian


1. Any faculty member who accepts a sabbatical leave or any librarian who accepts a librarian’s leave is normally expected to vacate their office on campus by 30 June (full year or Fall Term leave) or 31 December (Winter Term leave).
2. Any faculty member or librarian who wishes to have office space on campus during the period of their leave must submit a request in writing to their Academic Dean or to the University Librarian by 15 March of the academic year prior to the leave. Such requests should state the period for which the office is needed, whether the person prefers to keep their own office, and whether the person wishes to retain use of their computer.
3. The Academic Deans and the University Librarian will endeavour to identify appropriate space and computing resources for faculty members and librarians on leave. If possible they will allow the faculty member or librarian to continue use of their office (if so requested), particularly if no full-time replacement appointment is made. In some cases faculty members or librarians on leave may be asked to share office space with others who are also on leave. Decisions on office allocations will be conveyed to faculty members and librarians by 15 April of the academic year prior to the leave.
4. When an office must be vacated, a reasonable amount of material may be left in the office during the leave. The following conditions apply: 

  • a. The desk must be cleared completely.
  • b. One filing cabinet must be cleared completely.
  • c. At least 33% of the book shelves must be cleared completely.
  • d. If there is a storage space in the office, boxed items may be left in the storage space; such items may not be left on the floor of the office itself.