
Policy 7102 — Purchasing Card Policy and Procedure

Policy section:
Section 7100-7199 Purchasing, Claims and Reimbursement
Policy number:
Purchasing Card Policy and Procedure
Approved By:
The Vice-President, Administration
Approved date:
March 5, 2008
Effective date:
March 5, 2008
December 1, 2023
Administered by:


University Procurement Cards are used to improve the efficiency of paying for low-dollar transactions. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the appropriate control and use of such cards.


This policy applies to all University employees who use the University-issued Procurement Card to make purchases from all sources of funds administered by the University including, but not limited to, departmental budgets, RTEs, PERs, departmental special funds, expendable endowments and research grant accounts.


The Director of Finance – Controller (or designate) is authorized to issue, suspend, cancel and set transaction limits for University Procurement cards up to $25,000 per transaction and up to $25,000 per month and to configure procurement cards to block/unblock certain merchant codes as may be necessary to attain the University's procurement goals and objectives.

The Vice-President, Finance and Administration may set limits over $25,000 per transaction and over $25,000 per month.


“Signing Authority”:  a person authorized to approve expenditures from a University account.

“Procurement Card (P-Card)”: a corporate charge card issued to a University employee on behalf of the University.

“Cardholder”:  a designated employee who has been issued a P-Card.

“Card Provider”: the financial institution that the University uses to obtain P-Cards.

“Principal Investigator”: faculty member awarded a research grant and identified as the principal investigator in that award.


5.1 General Requirements
In instances where the cardholder makes purchases charged to accounts for which the cardholder is not an authorized signing officer, the appropriate signing officer must approve the charge by signing the statement or providing other evidence of authorization (e-mail, etc.)

5.2 Research Fund Requirements
The Principal Investigator of a grant must approve all expenditures being charged to their research grant or contract.


6.1 Cardholder
The Cardholder incurring an expense is responsible for:

  • ensuring that the expense is for University purposes, 
  • ensuring that the expense is reasonable, 
  • ensuring that the expense  is in accordance with this policy, with applicable granting agency guidelines, and with the terms of the specific award covering the expense
  • monthly reconciliation and reporting of P-Card transactions

P-Cards are assigned for use by the Cardholder only and must not be used by any other person.

6.2 Signing Authority
The Signing Authority is responsible for ensuring that the expense is incurred for a University purpose and is charged to an appropriate account.

7.0 – POLICY

7.1 Personal use is prohibited
A P-Card may only be used to make purchases for the University.
7.2 Card Cancellation

7.2.1 If a Cardholder ceases to be an employee or changes to their position no longer require a P-Card, the Cardholder’s P-Card will be cancelled, and the Cardholder must immediately return the P-Card to the Financial Services department with any outstanding reconciliation. P-Cards cannot be transferred to another employee. 
7.2.2 Misuse of the P-Card or failure to comply with the terms of this Policy may result in the card suspension, cancellation and/or other disciplinary action.

7.3 P-Card Limits
A P-Card may only be used for transactions up to the approved transaction limit including delivery charges and taxes, and up to the approved total limit per month. Invoices which exceed the per-transaction limit may not be split to create two or more credit card transactions that do not exceed that limit.

7.4 Use of Funds 
The Cardholder is responsible for ensuring there is adequate funding available in their budget to pay the transaction prior to making the purchase.  It may take up to 6 weeks for specific transactions to be processed and reflected in the University’s GL account balance.

7.5 Computer Hardware
Computer hardware and software should be purchased through the purchase order system and in accordance with policy 7101 – Procurement Policy to ensure they can be supported by the University.

7.6 Ineligible purchases 
A P-Card may not be used  for the following: 

  • goods or services from any University employee or any member of any employee's family as per the Business Code of Conduct policy, 
  • cash advances, 
  • alcohol, narcotics, radioactive and hazardous materials and other materials requiring special permits unless pre-approval is granted by Procurement, 
  • lease or rental equipment payments that continue for longer than 30 days,
  • salaries, wages or consulting fees, 
  • computer hardware, software, and other peripheral devices not pre-approved by Computing Services
  • gift to employees unless pre-approved by Procurement, 
  • donations of any kind unless pre-approved by Procurement,
  • purchases from the University Bookstore, including course material and online store,
  • personal expenses, including home office supplies and equipment

Notwithstanding the above, the Director of Finance - Controller may, in special circumstances configure a P-Card so that it may be used to purchase any of the above goods or services.

Cardholder may be asked to reimburse expenses purchased that have been made in violation of this Policy.

7.7 Guidelines for use of P-Card
For purchases originating outside Canada, the Cardholder must inform Procurement Services of any pending delivery of goods and the details of the purchase of those goods to ensure proper customs arrangements are made.

Cardholders must either have the suppliers absorb shipping costs or include them on the invoice.
Cardholders will require the supplier to provide proof of purchase (i.e., a supplier invoice, itemized sales slip etc.) for each purchase.

Cardholders should advise suppliers that full billing cannot occur until full shipment is made. If partial shipment is made, billing for that portion of the order may be processed.

7.8 Liability
Liability for payment of charges on the P-Card rests with the University except for purchases that have been made in violation of this Policy. Cardholders will be held liable for any misuse or wilful disregard of policies or operating procedures which result in a loss of money, fraud or collusion.
7.9 Lost or Stolen Card
The Cardholder must report a lost or stolen P-Card immediately to the Card Provider and to the Manager, Procurement Services. 

7.10 Reconciliation of Procurement Card Charges
P-Card transactions are updated daily and can be reconciled online at any time on the Card Provider’s website. It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to reconcile P-Card charges to the appropriate account.  
The Cardholder must submit the monthly P-Card reconciliation to Procurement Services by the 11th of each month. 

7.11 Disputed Items      
Any errors on a monthly statement, such as incorrect amounts or duplicate charges, must be reported by the Cardholder as soon as possible to the Card Provider and to Financial Services.


The Cardholder must follow the procedures relating to the use and management of their P-Card as outlined in Appendix A.    


The Procurement office will submit a Cardholder summary annually to the Vice-President Finance and Administration. This summary will include a list of cards issued, cancelled or suspended and permanent changes in any Cardholder limits or blocking.

Cardholders must review and submit a signed “Purchasing Cardholder Acknowledgement” form (Appendix B) to Procurement Services annually.  


This policy requires review every five years.

Appendix A


Card Issuance
A completed “Purchasing Card Application” is to be submitted to Purchasing Services to request a P-Card and approved by the Director of Finance – Controller, or their delegate.
Before a P-Card will be issued, the recipient must read and sign the "Procurement Cardholder Acknowledgement” form (Appendix B).
Reporting changes
Cardholders must advise Procurement Services as soon as reasonably possible if they cease to be an employee or if their position no longer require a P-Card.
The Cardholder will immediately return their P-Card to the Financial Services Department. P-Cards cannot be transferred to another employee. 

If a Cardholder changes positions such that the default account charged for purchases changes, they must notify financial services of the change.

Return of Goods
For returned goods purchased using a P-Card, it is the Cardholder’s responsibility to return those goods and to ensure that a credit is placed on the P-Card. A cash refund must not be accepted.
Lost or Stolen Card
The Cardholder must report a lost or stolen P-Card immediately to the Card Provider as per the Card Provider’s numbers listed on the Faculty and Staff Gateway – search P-Card) (This number may be reached 24 hours per day and seven days per week) and to the ŐýĆ·Ŕ¶µĽş˝ Manager, Procurement Services. 

Monthly Billing Procedures for Cardholders
P-Card transactions are updated daily and can be reconciled online at any time on the Card Provider’s website. It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to reconcile P-Card charges to the appropriate account.  

The Cardholder must submit the monthly P-Card reconciliation to Procurement Services at  pcardtrans@mta.ca by the 11th of each month P-Card transactions are updated daily and can be reconciled online at any time on the Card Provider’s website. 

  • Final detailed statements will be available on the Card Provider’s website by the 6th day of each month, or by the next working day if the 6th day falls on a non-working day. 
  • An email advising that the billing cycle has closed and the statements are ready to be verified is sent monthly.  Cardholders may log in anytime and review and update the GL account distribution. 

Within 5 business days of the monthly email notification of cycle close date, the Cardholder must:

  • verify the transactions on the Card Provider’s expense report; 
  • verify the transactions by account number(s) and make any necessary changes;
  • attach proof of purchase documents to the Card Provider’s expense report, arranged in the same order as the purchases are listed on the statement;
  • in cases where transactions may be classified as Travel or Entertainment, a travel or an Entertainment Expense form, respectively must accompany the statement;
  • sign the Card Provider’s expense report and 
  • once the reconciliation is complete, the Card Holder’s expense report must be approved as appropriate for the expense accounts being used and all documents forwarded to  Procurement Services at pcardtrans@mta.ca.
  • obtain approval from Signing Authority of accounts where expenses have been incurred.
    • Note that email approval is accepted
  • If the charge is related to a research account, the Principal Investigator must sign for approval.


Any errors on a monthly statement, such as incorrect amounts or duplicate charges, must be reported by the Cardholder as soon as possible to the Card Provider and to Financial Services.

  • Financial Service/Procurement: 506-364-2294 or purchasing@mta.ca
  • The Card Provider contact: 1-888-823-9657
  • The Card Provider will request the Cardholder’s “Significant Date”.  To get the information on file, please contact Financial Service/Procurement        

The Card Provider will research any disputed charges and make necessary adjustments. Amounts will remain charged to the appropriate GL account until the matter is settled.


Inquiries related to using a P-Card or applying for a P-Card should be directed to the Manager, Procurement Services at 364-2294 or purchasing@mta.ca.
Inquiries related to the Card Provider’s expense report should be directed to the Accounts Payable Technician at 364-2432 or pcardtrans@mta.ca.

Appendix B


This document outlines the responsibilities I have as a Cardholder with the Purchasing Card program at ŐýĆ·Ŕ¶µĽş˝.

  1. The Purchasing Card is intended to facilitate the purchase of goods and services required to conduct ŐýĆ·Ŕ¶µĽş˝ business. I understand that I am responsible for the custody, control and use of the Visa Purchasing Card that is in my name.
  2. I understand that the Purchasing Card is not to be used for personal use and that unauthorized use of the Card can be considered misappropriation of funds which could result in severe consequences for me and/or others responsible.
  3. I understand that the Purchasing Card must be surrendered on the termination of my employment. I may also be requested to surrender the Purchasing Card for reasons not related to my own personal situation, such as re-organization. I may also be asked to temporarily return the Purchasing Card when I am on an extended leave of absence.
  4. I will maintain the Purchasing Card with appropriate security whenever and wherever I use the Card. If the Purchasing Card is lost or stolen, I agree to notify the Card Provider and the University Purchasing Manager immediately. I further understand that failure to report a stolen/lost Purchasing Card promptly could result in severe consequences for me and/or others responsible.
  5. I understand that I will be required to obtain a copy of the cash register receipt and packing slip for each transaction charged to the card. I also understand I will be responsible for reconciling these receipts with the monthly expense form available on the web. As a cardholder, I am responsible for resolving any discrepancies as appropriate.
  6. I understand that I must forward the signed reconciled expense form and physical receipts to the Accounts Payable Technician by the 11th of each month as per the Procurement Card Policy.
  7. I understand that all charges will be billed directly to and paid directly by the University. I understand that the Card Provider cannot accept payment from me directly.
  8. I understand that I may be required to reimburse the University for transactions on the P-Card that have been made in violation of this Policy.
  9. I understand that the transactions on my Purchasing Card account will be reviewed by the Financial Services department and that I may be periodically asked to clarify these transactions for audit purposes.