
Policy 7604 — Use of Facilities and Services

Policy section:
Section 7600-7699 Facilities
Policy number:
Use of Facilities, Land, Leased Property and Services
Approved By:
Vice-President (Finance & Administration)
Approved date:
March 2, 2003
Effective date:
March 2, 2003
August 30, 2017
December 1, 2002
August 26, 2024
Administered by:
Director of Administrative Services


The purposes of this policy are:

a. to ensure that all of the costs associated with the use of University facilities and services are covered by those who make use of them, and in particular to ensure that the fees paid by students are not used to cover costs that those fees were not intended to cover,

b. to provide for revenues that will cover the costs of operating the Conference Office,

c. to document the procedures to be followed to make arrangements to use facilities, land, leased property or services; and

d. to establish the circumstances in which there will be charges for the use of facilities or services.


The University will provide its facilities and services without discrimination on the grounds covered by the New Brunswick Human Rights Code. The University has no obligation to provide its facilities to any particular group or individual.


This policy applies to:

a. all individuals and groups;

b. all University facilities including outdoor spaces (eg: Crabtree Breezeway) except those that are provided for the exclusive use of an individual or group (such as labs, offices and studios); and

c. the following services: audio-visual, custodial, facility and electrical setups and take downs, security/ Event Service Staff (ESS), food, and bar.


Internal users are students, faculty, staff or departments who are using University facilities or services in support of the University's mission.

External users are persons, groups, or organizations who are not members of the the University and who wish to use University facilities and/or services.


There will be charges whenever the Conference and Event Services Office is involved in the use of facilities or services whether or not there are charges for services or for the use of facilities. Consult the Conference Office (conferences@mta.ca) for a complete and current list of services and charges.


There are no charges to internal users for the use of facilities except

a. for the use of residence rooms and spaces funded by the residence operation, and Convocation Hall;

b. for the use of classrooms, athletic facilities and other spaces supported by the operating fund when used by the conference operation or other ancillary operations;

c. when the use of facilities requires services, such as custodial and security services, beyond those required for routine University operations.

Charges to internal users may be paid for from an account controlled by the internal user, a department account, central account; subject to any account restriction.

There will be charges to external users for the use of facilities.


There will be no charges to internal users for services provided except when the provision of services results in expenditures to the service providers beyond those required for routine University operations.

Charges to internal users may be paid for from an account controlled by the internal user, a department account, central account; subject to any account restriction.

There will be charges to external users for services provided.


Notices required for booking facilities and services can be found below in section 9 of this Policy.

All university spaces are centrally booked via the Conference and Events Office or .

Internal users' requests for use of University space will be submitted to the Conference and Events Office online via or email at bookit@mta.ca. The only exceptions are assignments of spaces for academic credit courses coordinated through the Registrar's Office in classroom, laboratory and studio spaces.

External users' requests for use of University space will be submitted via email at conferences@mta.ca.

Use of classroom and seminar room spaces for academic credit courses will have priority over other uses during the September to April academic year.

Laboratory and studio spaces are single purpose and not available for booking.

Activities that promote teaching, research, extra-curricular learning and University committees will receive priority consideration. All other requests will be considered on a "first-come-first-served" basis.

Unless special arrangements have been made with , University space reserved by a user will be open for use no earlier than 7:00 am and will close no later than 11:00 pm in designated buildings. The University reserves the right to relocate evening bookings to buildings designated for closing hours after 7:00 pm.

Booking requests from students must be for a recognized student club and society activities and must be coordinated through MASU office employees. Exceptions to this policy may be authorized by the Director of Administrative Services or their designate.

University designated service providers must by used exclusively if services such as custodial, room set-up/tear-down, furniture/equipment moves, waste/recycling removal, security, audio-visual services and electrical services are required and must be coordinated through  when requesting the use of space.

University designated service providers must be used exclusively for food catering and bar services. Internal users requesting food catering must make arrangements directly through Dining Services using a University account or purchase order. Events involving the consumption of alcohol must be arranged directly through Bar Services.


There is a very high demand for our larger spaces such as Tweedie Hall and these spaces may not always be available. Therefore users should book as early as possible.

Events requiring services must be arranged a minimum of two weeks in advance of the event.

Requests for facilities without services for use Monday to Friday must be received a minimum of 48 hours in advance.

Requests for facilities without services for weekend use must be received no later than the previous Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.

If keys are required they must be signed out from Facilities Management between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.


The Director of Administrative Services or their designate may cancel bookings due to safety or security concerns.


The maintenance, control and administration of the University's campus-built environment, including hardscape and soft landscape features is the responsibility of the Director of Facilities Management.

The control, administration and use management of the University's land and leased property, which includes property owned or leased by the University other than the University's primary campus is the responsibility of the Director of Administration Services.

The erection of permanent or temporary structures, change to facilities, change to a landscape or physical encumbrance of the University's campus or land or leased property is not permitted without the approval of the Director of Facilities Management or Director of Administrative Services or their designate.