
Policy 7610 — Accessible Facilities Policy

Policy section:
Section 7600-7699 Facilities
Policy number:
Accessible Facilities Policy
Approved By:
The President
Approved date:
June 20, 2013
Effective date:
June 20, 2013
Administered by:
Vice-President, Administration


ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ must take reasonable steps to accommodate those with mobility challenges so that they can be employed by, and receive services from, the University.

Unfortunately, making all of the University’s facilities accessible over the short term is far beyond the University’s financial capacity given that most of its facilities were constructed before making them accessible was a requirement or an expectation.

As a result, the University must deal with this issue in a planned way so that it makes the most effective use of available financial resources while at the same time ensuring that it meets its obligations in this area.


It is the University’s policy
a) to deal with accessibility issues whenever it is reasonable to do so as part of a capital project,

b) to take whatever steps are necessary and reasonable to accommodate a specific individual, which steps could include

  • i) making an area accessible to that individual, or
  • ii) moving an activity to another area, and

c) to provide information to the community, through appendices to this policy which are updated on an annual basis, about

  • i)  the steps that have been taken (See Appendix A) and
  • ii) the steps that are planned (see Appendix B)

to make the University’s facilities accessible.


At least once per year the Vice-President, Finance and Administration will report to the Property and Facilities Committee of the Board of Regents the updates to the appendices noted in section 2.


This policy will be reviewed or confirmed every five years if not sooner.

Policy 7610 Appendix A

This appendix was last updated as of September 1, 2019.

The following are the most significant steps that have been taken since 1990 to improve the accessibility of the University’s facilities:

  • In the mid-1990s the service tunnel system was rebuilt and we redid many of our walkways on the campus. All of this work was done in a way that made them accessible. As a result many sets of steps were removed, including a number of steps leading into buildings.
  • In 1998, the Bennett Building was made accessible during renovations.
  • In 2000, the Dunn Building was made accessible during renovations.
  • In 2006, the Crabtree Auditorium was renovated in a way that made it and much of the building accessible.
  • In 2006, Brunton Auditorium upgrades included a wheelchair ramp to make the auditorium accessible.
  • In 2008, an accessible washroom was installed in the Library, the front doors and ramp improved, and accessible elevator controls installed.
  • In 2008, the construction of the Wallace McCain Student Centre not only made a significant University building accessible, it also made a number of departments accessible that previously had limited or no accessibility, including Student Affairs, the Students’ Union, the Registrar’s Office, the Argosy, CHMA, the Meighen Centre, the Wellness Centre, the mail room, the Café, the fitness centre, the pub, the Bookstore, Tweedie Hall, and meeting and seminar rooms.
  • In 2010, renovations to the Chemistry Building included the construction of accessible washrooms which has made the building accessible.
  • Accessible parking spaces have been installed in the King Street parking lot, the Thornton and Edwards parking lot, by the Chapel, and in front of the Wallace McCain Student Centre.
  • The Town and the University co-operated in the construction of a number of sidewalks around the campus, which sidewalks were built in accordance with code re accessibility.
  •  Even though some University residences will likely never be made accessible, the residence system has been made accessible as a result of a number of projects:
    • In 2000, Jennings Hall was renovated making the dining service operation accessible.
    • In 2001, four accessible student rooms were constructed in Harper Hall.
    • In 2004, Campbell Hall was constructed along with the Windsor Quad, the area in front of Campbell, Jennings, Harper and Windsor halls, making that entire area and a large number of residence rooms accessible.
  • In 2013, the restoration of Hammond House, a facility used for many University functions, has been completed, including the addition of a wheel chair ramp and completion of other work so that the first floor of that building is now accessible. 

  • In 2014, the Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts has been completed resulting in:

    • Provision of fully accessible facilities for students, faculty and staff using facilities related to our Fine Arts department and Drama program.
    • Improvements to pathways between and leading to the Flemington and Bennett buildings, Centennial Hall and the Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts
    • Elimination of outside stairs west of the Avard Dixon building and improvements to pathways between the Avard Dixon building, Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts and Main Street
    • Elimination of the need to use the basement of Hart Hall and Gairdner building, two locations that are not accessible
    • Elimination of the need to use 10 King Street for certain Fine Arts classes, a location with limited accessibility
  • Waterproofing work has been completed on the utility tunnel between Hart Hall and Crabtree buildings including improvements to the walkway system in that area to make the walkways and access to certain buildings more accessible.
  • In 2016, upgrades to the sewer system servicing the Library and Crabtree included elimination of the stairs on the east side of Library Crabtree and improvements to sidewalks.
  • Work at Alumni Field included the installation of wheelchair accessible bleachers.  
  • Harper elevator upgrades included the installation of braille signage and voice annunciation.
  • In 2018, renovation and refurbishment of the Gairdner and Barclay Buildings was completed. This project included a number of accessibility related components. In the Barclay Building, two of the four washrooms were converted to all gender and wheel chair accessible washrooms, while work in the Gairdner Building included an accessible entrance with a ramp, installation of an elevator, and inclusion of all gender and accessible washrooms. Work adjacent to the building included replacement of an exterior stairway leading to York Street with a ramp. The Barclay Building lab benches, which had a fixed height, were replaced by adjustable benches.
  • Renovation work to Windsor Hall was completed in 2019 and this project included a number of accessibility upgrades, including accessible all gender washrooms and accessible student rooms. In addition, a new, large accessible event space was added to the building.  Windsor Hall opened on August 23, 2019.
  • A new, permanent accessible ramp was installed at the Chapel.
  • A new concrete ramp was completed at the Avard-Dixon Building.
Policy 7610 Appendix B

This appendix was last updated as of September 1, 2019.

What follows documents the work that is underway or has been planned that will improve the accessibility of the University’s facilities:

  • Work is ongoing to complete a 3 to 5 year list of alteration and renovation projects. The accessibility related components of these projects will be identified. In addition, a listing of identified work that needs to be completed related to accessibility matters will be part of this planning work.
  • Conceptual plans will be updated for the renovation of the Athletic Centre which, when the plans are implemented, will make that Centre accessible.
  • A number of buildings including the Avard-Dixon Building, the Owens Art Gallery, the Music Conservatory, the Flemington Building, and Centennial Hall will only become accessible with the addition of elevators. Planning work for the Avard-Dixon Building elevator and washroom upgrade is scheduled for the 3 to 5 year plan, subject to the available funding.
  • Accessible door hardware for Avard-Dixon Building, Crabtree Building, Sir James Dunn Building, Bennett Building, and Convocation Hall has been purchased and timing of installation is being determined.