
5Q Summer Edition: RJCBS Intern Keifer Bell (’18)

28 Aug 2017

Keifer Bell1. What is your summer internship and what will you take away from this experience?

This summer I am working in the (RJCBS) with Dr. Sandy MacIver and Dr. Dawn Henwood Nickerson. My job title is “Research and Development Coordinator,” which has kept me very busy all summer long. Working with both Sandy and Dawn is very rewarding and a great way for me to link with other faculty at Ʒ. This experience has taught me to think critically daily and not to be afraid to go out of my comfort zone. No idea is a bad idea as a development coordinator. Sandy and Dawn have been extremely encouraging with everything that I come up with and support my decisions while offering positive insight!

2. What is the best thing about summer in Sackville?

My favourite thing about summer in Sackville is the small group of students who become a group of friends. When 90 per cent of students go home for summer vacation, the remaining 10 per cent seem to bond a lot closer at events. I never expected to make new friends in Sackville over summer, but continue to get closer with other students each week.

3. What are you involved in on campus?

On campus I am currently a member of the Ʒ and participate in many of the intramural sports. I also volunteer with Big Buddies and wrote articles for the student newspaper (The Argosy) last year. I was the President of Campbell Hall in my second year and I was lucky enough to go on an to Strasbourg, France through Mount Allison in January 2017. Ʒ has brought many opportunities to me that I’ve tried to really take advantage of!

4. What are you looking forward to most about your final year at Mount A?

Going into my final year at Mount A I look forward to experiencing everything one last time and making the most of it. You always hear people say “get involved” on campus and this is my final chance to do so. I hope to make the most of my opportunities and enjoy the final year of my undergrad!

5. What are your post-grad plans?

After I graduate I hope to travel for a couple of months prior to obtaining a job in my field. The future goal of mine is obtaining my MBA after gaining some work experience in my field.

Bonus Question: If you could give one piece of advice to first-year students, what would it be?

Don’t be shy and get involved! Everyone says this but it really is true. There are so many resources on campus that don’t get used to their maximum potential that can make your Ʒ experience better both academically and socially. Join a club or group first semester; you’ll make connections that will stick with you throughout all four of your years here on campus.

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