
Advanced Theatrical Interpretation and independent studies proposals form

Submission deadline: March 8, 2024

Students will need to consult a potential mentor before submitting a 4011 proposal to ensure there is faculty/staff expertise and capacity to supervise in their chosen area.

DRAMA 4011 project proposals

Advanced acting proposals

Please note that DRAM 4011 proposals in the area of acting will be evaluated independently from other proposals. Students must audition in open calls for faculty and/or staff-directed productions, with no preferential status.

Therefore, it is advised that students have an alternative plan in place should they not happen to get cast. Students are very strongly encouraged to consider formulating their acting course proposal based on a variety of alternative learning projects and experiences (workshops, scene studies, etc.)

Project description

It is advisable to write your project description offline and copy it into the box provided in the form below.

Please write your project description using the following cues:

  • Outline your particular acting interests, including training methodologies, genres, styles, or your general development as an actor so far.
  • Describe your background preparation (previous acting courses, workshops, roles, etc.), and how these experiences have helped you develop as an actor.
  • Assess your acting in the form of a brief reflection, identifying strengths and areas you see the need to develop. Be as specific as possible.
  • Include other experiences you envision your acting course involving (workshops, scene study, etc).
Non-acting proposals

Project description

It is advisable to write your project description offline and copy it into the box provided in the form below.

Please write your project description using the following cues:

  • The artistic, technical, or management challenges and specific activities you plan to explore in your project.
  • How they will allow you to achieve the learning outcomes you identified.
  • How your previous courses or production experience will help you to succeed.
  • How your proposed project will build on or complement your previous learning and experience.

Course plan for independent studies — DRAMA 4951

Completing this form helps you and your mentor focus your independent work, allowing you to get more out of your experience.  Details of the course plan come from you, the student, and are then refined and revised in consultation with your project mentor and the course director. You, your mentor, and the course director will sign the final course plan.

Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have:

  • student ID number
  • a list of Drama Studies courses you have completed
  • a list of expected learning outcomes (non-acting proposals only)
  • a description of your proposed project

Depending on the type of proposal you are submitting, the appropriate fields will appear as you progress through the online form below.

* Indicates required field

I am submitting

First choose one of the following options. All elements you should fill out on the application form will then appear.

Section 1: Student information

Current year of study

Drama studies courses

For a fall project, select all courses completed by the end of the previous winter term; for a winter term project, select all courses completed by the end of the fall term. 

Have you previously completed any DRAM4011 projects?

Re-order Year/term project completed Name of project Weight Operations
more items
Choose a name from the dropdown list.

Preferred term

Section 2: Project description

Type of project

Please indicate which type of project you are proposing — technical area, directing, design, stage management, production management, technical direction, or other.

Technical areas


Choose based on prior experience


Choose design or assistant design based on prior experience

Stage management

Choose based on prior experience

Other options

ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ your project

In no more than 100 words, name your project and paint a picture of what you want to accomplish.
Your project description should be composed based on the cues provided for your proposal type in the drop-down boxes at the top of the page.
Outline the specific things you are planning to do in your project and how they will be assessed. These are the means by which you will achieve the learning outcomes you note above. The more specific you can be, the clearer the process will become. Aspects like deadlines can also be included here to help keep everyone on track.
Indicate the various grade weights for each of the project components.

Learning outcomes

These are very important concepts that really help frame your work and how it will be assessed. Reflect carefully on what you really want to accomplish, what you want to learn, what new skills you want to develop and gain. A great way to do this is to think about three or four ways of completing the following sentence:

By the end of this course/project I want to be able to....