In Memoriam

Departed Allisonians Summer 2021

Compiled from information sent to University Advancement Jan. 16, 2021 – May 15, 2021


Please feel welcome to submit memories of departed Allisonians you have known and loved.

Pauline (Hicks) Harborne — 1937
Erma V. (Frowde) Trites — 1941
Gerald I. Conrad — 1942
Louise F. (Avard) Bell — 1948
George W. Warr — 1950
Robert “Bob” S. Latimer — 1951, 1952
Margaret E. (Rudolf) Cater — 1952
Sadie C. (Snow) Latimer — 1952
Dr. George A. Mossman — 1952
Kenneth W. Cripps — 1955
Lloyd J. Mason — 1956
Robert T. Dickie — 1957
Alex Gilchrist — 1957
Sandra E. (Croft) Dawson — 1958
Merlyn J. Royea — 1960
Kevin S. Warr — 1960
Robert B. Winsor — 1960, LLD 2006
Jane E. (Wasson) Royea — 1963
Daryl Guignion — 1965
Dr. David A. Gass — 1967
Dr. Kimberley Jon DeWare — 1969
Heather M. (MacPherson) Wilkes — 1970
Kenneth E. Evans — 1971
Martha (Cox) Johnson — 1973, 1975
Robert L. Rideout — 1975
Lori A. (Skinner) Murchison — 1979
Ross T. Young — 1984
Carolyn D. (Alder) Chase — 1985
Rosemary E. (Coffin) Slade — 1985
Robert Alexander Black — 1989
Emma Rose (MacDonald) Peterson — 2010
Grace Peebles — 2020
Kavana Wa Kilele

Prof. Rodney Orland McLeod — Former faculty

Donald Sobey — LLD 2008 — Honorary degree holder
Dr. David Schindler — LLD 2012 — Honorary degree holder

Gilbert Sewell — Elder-in-residence

Submitted by John Roberts (’58) and Barb Roberts (’59)

We have all lost someone very special as our dear and long-time friend, Bob Winsor, passed away on Jan. 14, 2021.

After graduating from Ʒ and McGill Universities, Bob began his career in the business world and achieved great success in a number of areas.

Bob’s very successful business career was just one part of who he was as a person. Bob gave us everything, from understanding, good humour, friendship, athletic abilities, and financial gifts… most of all love.

He was a super friend and teammate and a special parent and husband. He kindly gave his time, his wealth, and enthusiasm to universities, work places, his home, and his family.

Like the true warrior he was, he fought his sickness to the very end. Our thoughts are with his family, wife Susan, daughter Jennifer, son Greg, and all his grandchildren. I know they are very proud of him and the fight he fought.

Now Bob can rest in heaven, keep an eye on his old friends, and wait for us to arrive.

Submitted by Jill (Hemeon) Rafuse (’73)

Martha (Cox) Johnson was Life Vice-President and the heart of the Class of 1973 and a forever friend to many.

She had an infectious sense of fun and daring. Remember the variety show performance of “Hot Fun in the Summertime” with her troupe dressed in togas made from flowered bedsheets? Can you picture her working the bar at a Hesler Hall beer garden? Martha was a natural leader who organized Initiation, intramural sports, Senior Prom, and Winter Carnival. It was no surprise in May 1973 that she was awarded the Frances S. Allison Award for her outstanding contribution to university life. 

After Life President Barney Cohen died in 1987, Martha resisted any suggestion that she assume his title and position. But she organized every reunion and kept the class connected through phone calls, cards, e-mail, Facebook, and personal contact. Even during her illness she was planning our 50th, so she has passed along her ideas (and instructions) to fellow Class Officers Donna Trafford, Peter German, and Jim Currier for execution. 

Martha will always be remembered for her warm smile, welcoming nature, self-deprecating sense of humour, and her generous friendship. She lived in Perth-Andover, NB, where she was a teacher, volunteer and community advocate, proud mother, and grandmother. She is survived by her husband Mark (’71), daughter Emma (’05), son Luke and granddaughters Violet and Hannah.

Submitted by Rick Gant (’84)

Ross just had this way about him. He was charismatic, funny, open, inclusive of everybody, and told the best stories. Ross was as authentic as they come and always brought out the best in people. As a friend, neighbour, community member, volunteer, and coach of many sports, he has made a wonderful impression on all of us. He has so many friends and the world is sadder without him.

If you ever had the pleasure of going somewhere with him, you just knew that you were going to be late, as nothing mattered more to him than the people he would meet along the way. Whether on the Island or in his Mount A community, as an athlete or a politician, he was always there for his teammates, constituents, and the players he coached.

Ross was a leader on and off the field, a loving husband, a wonderful father, a player’s coach, a close friend to many of us, and just fun to be around. We all miss him, but I know he will always be with us.

Submitted by Curtis Michaelis (’09)

Working in the admissions office for the past decade, I have interacted with some incredible applicants and watched many of those individuals attend Mount A and grow significantly into impressive young people ready to tackle the world.

Grace Peebles was one such individual. Beyond simply working hard in academics, developing confidence through extracurricular involvement, and expanding knowledge of the surrounding world — all of which she most certainly did — what stood out most about Grace to me was her kindness and sense of humour.

Always armed with a humorous quip or comment, being able to make light of challenging or difficult situations and see an ever-present silver lining, she was sincerely interested in the lives of others in a shared community, easily connecting with people of all types and making them feel valued and important. These were some of Grace’s gifts.

After getting to know one another during the admissions process, Grace and I would always take time when seeing each other on campus or in town to stop and check in and give each other little updates on how we were doing. I cherished our relationship that felt more like a friendship than a routine student and staff connection. She was genuinely sweet through and through and though her passing came much too soon, her memory and impact will not soon be forgotten. For me, Grace will always remain as a pinnacle example of what an Allisonian is and should be.

Submitted by Keith (Kit) Nicholson (’19)

There is no one on this Earth as selfless and caring as you were; your heart was so big it could swallow continents. Your empathy poured out of you in waves, embracing everyone in bright laughter, warm hugs, and gentle honesty. You loved radically and unconditionally. If was one of the many reasons why we loved you.

You never quite knew how spectacular you were or how many lives you actually touched. You were a force of nature, a true powerhouse — absolutely revolutionary. Your will and ambition were strong enough to move mountains. Why shoot for the moon when you could set your sights on the whole galaxy?

In the wake of your death, someone described you as “fierce as a mountain lion and gentle as a moth’s wings.” It is a perfect description for the person whose death leaves a hole so large.

We love you, Kavana.