
The Board of Regents is responsible for the management and control of 正品蓝导航鈥檚 business and affairs.

The Board of Regents meets three times annually, usually in May, October, and February.

Board meeting dates 2024

  • Thursday, Feb. 15鈥 Regular meeting
  • Tuesday, May 14 鈥 Regular meeting
  • Thursday, Aug 15 鈥 Regular meeting
  • Friday, Nov. 15 鈥 Open meeting

Board meeting dates 2025

  • Thursday, Feb. 13鈥 Regular meeting
  • Tuesday, May 13 鈥 Regular meeting
  • Thursday, Aug 14 鈥 Regular meeting
  • Friday, Nov. 14 鈥 Open meeting
Board meetings

The Board of Regents holds three different types of meetings:

  • Regular 鈥 for Board members and invited participants
  • In camera 鈥 for Regents only (generally to deal with land, legal, or labour matters)
  • Open 鈥 any individual may attend as an observer

Guidelines for guests attending an open Board of Regents meeting

The guidelines are outlined in Policy 8905 鈥 Board Meetings Policy and Procedures.

  • Guests should arrive before the meeting commences and sit in the designated guest seating area.
  • Larger groups (more than eight people) planning to attend a meeting should advise the Board of Regents鈥 secretary of their intention to attend one week prior to the meeting to confirm that sufficient seating is available.
  • Seating is limited to the gallery area provided. Invited participants are provided priority to seating with the remaining seating on a first come, first served basis.
  • Guests are not permitted to block entrances/exits to the room.
  • No person may photograph or audio or video record any meeting content or part thereof without the prior approval of the Chair. Any person attempting to do so may be asked to leave the meeting.
  • Signs and props are not permitted in the meeting room, nor is any item to be affixed to the walls or furniture in the space.
  • Meeting attendees are considered guests and must respect that they are spectators only. Guests may not vote and may not speak other than at the invitation of the Chair. Should a guest interrupt a meeting or cause any disturbance, the guest may be asked to leave the meeting immediately. If a disruption continues, the Chair may determine that continuing with the business of the meeting is not reasonable and may choose to adjourn the meeting or move to an alternate location to continue the meeting; in such situations, guests may not be re鈥恆dmitted to the meeting.
  • Guests must exit the room as directed for any in camera sessions, but may be re-admitted for any remaining public portion of the meeting.
  • Guests leaving the meeting while it is in progress are asked to do so discreetly and with as little disruption as possible.
Board membership

The Board consists of 24 individuals drawn from various University stakeholder groups.

Secretary to the Board of Regents and University Treasurer
Robert Inglisringlis@mta.ca 

Gita Anand
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2026

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee (Chair)
  • Audit Committee (ex-officio)
  • Board Service Medal
  • Executive Committee (chair)
  • Finance and Administration Committee (ex-officio)
  • Human Resources Committee (chair)
  • Honorary Degrees Committee
  • Investment Committee (ex-officio)
  • Nominating and Governance Committee (ex-officio)
  • Property and Facilities Committee (ex-officio)
  • Student Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • University Advancement Committee (ex-officio)

Ben Broadbent
Sackville, NB
Appointed by the Students' Administrative Council, term ends May 31, 2025

Sarah Crawford
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2025

Serves on:

  • Board Service Medal Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Finance and Administration Committee
  • Honorary Degrees Committee
  • Nominating and Governance Committee
  • University Advancement Committee (Chair)

Reid Delaney
Sackville, NB
Appointed by the Students' Administrative Council, term ends May 31, 2025

Michael Gibbens
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2024

Serves on:

  • Finance & Administration Committee
  • University Advancement Committee

Lisa Dawn Hamilton
Sackville, NB
Appointed by full-time teaching faculty, term ends Dec. 31, 2027

Brent Hawkes
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the United Church of Canada, term ends Dec. 31, 2026

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Student Affairs Committee

Paul Henry (Vice-Chair)
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2027

Serves on:

  • Executive Committee (ex-officio)
  • Finance and Administration Committee (ex-officio)
  • Human Resources Committee
  • Nominating and Governance Committee (ex-officio)

Cheryl Hodder (Chair)
Halifax, NS
Appointed by the Federated Alumni of 正品蓝导航, term ends Dec. 31, 2024

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • Audit Committee (ex-officio)
  • Board Service Medal Committee (Chair)
  • Executive Committee (ex-officio)
  • Finance and Administration Committee (ex-officio)
  • Human Resources Committee (ex-officio)
  • Honorary Degrees Committee
  • Investment Committee (ex-officio)
  • Nominating and Governance Committee (ex-officio)
  • Property and Facilities Committee (ex-officio)
  • Student Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • University Advancement Committee (ex-officio)
  • Joint Board/Alumni Nominating Committee

Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
Sackville, NB
Ex-officio member

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • Executive Committee (ex-officio)
  • Finance and Administration Committee (ex-officio)
  • Investment Committee (ex-officio)
  • Property and Facilities Committee (ex-officio)
  • Student Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • University Advancement Committee (ex-officio)
  • Honorary Degrees Committee (Chair)

Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
Montreal, QC
Ex-officio member

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • Audit Committee (ex-officio)
  • Board Service Medal Committee
  • Executive Committee (ex-officio)
  • Finance and Administration Committee (ex-officio)
  • Honorary Degrees Committee
  • Investment Committee (ex-officio)
  • Nominating and Governance Committee (Chair)
  • Property and Facilities Committee (ex-officio)
  • Student Affairs Committee (ex-officio)
  • University Advancement Committee (ex-officio)

Zac McIsaac
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2025

Serves on:

  • Finance and Administration Committee
  • Investment Committee

Dale Noseworthy
Halifax, NS
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2027

Serves on:

  • Investment Committee
  • Property and Facilities Committee

Dan Nowlan
Toronto, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2026

Serves on:

  • Executive Committee
  • Finance and Administration Committee
  • Investment Committee (chair)
  • Property and Facilities Committee

Jeff Paikin
Burlington, ON
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2027

Serves on:

  • Executive Committee
  • Property and Facilities Committee (Chair)
  • University Advancement Committee

Martine Savoie
Dieppe, NB
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2025

Serves on:

  • Student Affairs Committee
  • University Advancement Committee

Mark Sevestre
Six Nations of the Grand River, ON
Appointed by the United Church of Canada, term ends December 31, 2026

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Audit Committee

Dave Shastri
Appointed by the Federated Alumni of 正品蓝导航, term ends Dec. 31, 2025

Serves on:

  • Finance and Administration Committee (Chair)
  • Joint Board / Alumni Nominating Committee
  • Nominating and Governance Committee

K. Brent Spencer
Riverview, NB
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2027

Serves on:

  • Audit Committee (Chair)
  • Board Service Medal Committee
  • University Advancement Committee

Phil Tibbo
Halifax, NS
Appointed by the Federated Alumni of 正品蓝导航, term ends Dec. 31, 2027

Serves on:

  • Executive Committee
  • Joint Board/Alumni Nominating
  • Student Affairs Committee (Chair)

Christina Vroom
Montreal, QC
Appointed by the Federated Alumni of 正品蓝导航, term ends Dec. 31, 2026

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Emeriti Appointments Committee
  • Property and Facilities Committee

Andrew Wilson
Sackville, NB
Appointed by full-time teaching faculty, term ends Dec. 31, 2025

Serves on:

  • Property and Facilities Committee

Lisa Yarmoshuk
Washington, DC
Appointed by the Board of Regents, term ends Dec. 31, 2024

Serves on:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Emeriti Appointments Committee
  • Student Affairs Committee
 Board minutes

In April 2017, the Board approved a recommendation from the Governance Operations Sub-committee to make Board minutes publicly available, including posting them on the 正品蓝导航 website.

All subsequent Board minutes will be posted to this site following each meeting of the Board.


Feb 15
May 14
Aug. 15
Nov. 15


Feb 3
May 16
Oct. 20


Board committees

Executive committees

Executive Committee


  • Gita Anand, Chair
  • Sarah Crawford
  • Paul Henry
  • Cheryl Hodder
  • Lynn Loewen
  • Robert MacKinnon
  • Daniel Nowlan
  • Dave Shastri
  • Jeff Paikin
  • Phil Tibbo



The Executive Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(1) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 (the 鈥淎ct鈥) and as confirmed in Section 5(1) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


Pursuant to Section 16(4) of the Act, in the absence of specific directions by the Board, the Committee in the intervals between meetings of the Board may exercise all or any of the powers, functions and duties of the Board in relation to the management and control of the business and affairs of the University and may appoint committees to exercise and perform such powers, functions and duties as the Committee may prescribe, provided that the Committee shall not have the power to enact by-laws, which power rests with the Board, in accordance with Section 16(5) of the Act.


In accordance with Section 16(1) of the Act, and as confirmed in Section 5(1) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of 13 members, comprised as follows:

  • (a) the Chancellor;
  • (b) the President
  • (c) the Chair of the Board;
  • (d) the Vice-Chair of the Board;
  • (e) one Regent, appointed by the Board; and
  • (f) the Chairs of each of the Standing Committees of the Board (other than the Audit Committee)

Appointment and Term of Office

All members of the Committee shall serve on the Committee only for such period as they hold the offices which establish their eligibility to serve as a member of the Committee.

The Regent appointed to the Committee pursuant to Section 16(1)(e) of the Act and Section 5(1)(e) of the By-Law (the 鈥淎ppointed Member鈥) shall hold office for a term of four years from the date of the Appointed Member鈥檚 appointment but shall be eligible for reappointment. The Appointed Member shall cease to be a member of the Committee upon ceasing to be a Regent.

In case of a vacancy occurring in respect of the Appointed Member, such vacancy shall be filled by the Board at its next meeting, or by the Committee upon a nomination having been received from the Nominating Committee. 


In accordance with Section 16(2) of the Act, and as confirmed in Section 5(2) of the By-Law:

  • (a) unless the Committee otherwise decides by resolution, the Chair of the Board shall preside at meetings of the Committee;
  • (b) in the absence of the Chair from any meeting of the Committee, the Vice-Chair of the Board shall preside at a meeting of the Committee; and
  • (c) in the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the Committee shall appoint one of its members to preside at the meeting.

Notice of Meetings

Notice of meetings of the Committee shall be given in accordance with Section 5(7) of the By-Law.


The Committee shall meet at with such frequency as the Committee deems appropriate or necessary.


In accordance with Section 5(4) of the By-Law, four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Committee.


In accordance with Section 5(5) of the By-Law, questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every Regent present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken. 

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case that person shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) General Management

  1. in accordance with Section 5(9) of the By-Law, the Committee shall have the general management and conduct of the affairs of the University (including, but without limitation to, the appointment and the determination of the remuneration of employees of the University) subject to review by the Board, with inputs and in consultation with other standing committees of the Board, as the Committee determines appropriate, but no action taken by the Committee affecting other parties shall be invalidated or prejudicially affected by reason of any failure by the Board to approve such action;
  2. acting between meetings of the Board to address:    (i) urgent or time sensitive matters which create risk for the University, or (ii) unforeseen, time sensitive opportunities, in each case where, in the view of the Board Chair, the convening of a special meeting of the Board is not practical; and
  3. acting on matters which the Board deems it expedient to delegate to the Committee; and
  4. recommending to the Board new policies or changes in existing policies which do not fall under the responsibilities of any other standing committee or ad hoc committee of the Board.

(b) Investment

  1. in accordance with Section 5(8) of the By-Law: (i) investing, or directing the investment of, the trust or endowment funds of the University in good sufficient securities; and (ii) calling in any money or funds so invested, and reinvesting the same.

(c)  Supervision of Financial Matters

  1. in accordance with Section 5(8) of the By-Law, subject to any instructions from time to time given to it by the Board, exercising a supervising control of all financial matters which are under the direction of the Board.

(d) Risk Oversight

  1. active monitoring of the University鈥檚 risk management activities, through the regular review of the risk register and other reports generated by or for the Audit Committee.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.  In the case of the absence of the Secretary of the Board from any meeting of the Committee, the Committee shall appoint a secretary for that meeting.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular Board meeting on the activities of the Committee.

In accordance with Section 5(10) of the By-Law, Copies of the minutes of all meetings of the Committee shall be sent to all members of the Board as soon as reasonably practicable following such meeting.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Human Resources


  • Gita Anand, Chair
  • Cheryl Hodder
  • Paul Henry
  • Dave Shastri



The Human Resources Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


The Committee shall oversee matters related to the selection, evaluation and compensation of the President and other members of the senior administration.


In accordance with Section 6(11)(b) of the By-Law, the Committee shall be comprised of four voting members as follows:

  • (a) the Chair of the Board;
  • (b) the Vice-Chair of the Board;
  • (c) the Chair of the Executive Committee; and
  • (d) the Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years.

Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms, in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


In accordance with Section 6(11)(b)(iii) of the By-law, the Chair of the Executive Committee shall be the Chair of the Committee.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, including Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

In accordance with Section 6(11)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee is responsible for:

(a) President

  1. making recommendations to the Board on procedures to ensure the proper selection of the President;
  2. assisting in the transition from one President to another;
  3. reviewing, annually, the President's objectives;
  4. assessing annually the President's performance;
  5. determining the compensation of the President;
  6. reviewing the job functions and descriptions of other members of the senior administration and make recommendations when appropriate;
  7. considering and approving procedures, as recommended by the President, to ensure the proper selection of other members of the senior administration;
  8. meeting annually with the President to consider the performance of other members of the senior administration;

(b) Senior Administration

  1. making recommendations to the Board, through the Executive Committee, concerning the proper selection of senior administration of the University, including Vice-Presidents, and any other persons deemed by the Executive Committee, on the recommendation of the President, to be members of the senior administration;
  2. approving the compensation of other members of the senior administration; and
  3. making any other recommendations to the President, the Board, or the Executive Committee, as applicable, that the Committee deems appropriate concerning the senior administration.

(c) Risk

  1.  overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Standing committees

Academic Affairs


  • Gita Anand, Chair
  • Ben Broadbent
  • Lisa-Dawn Hamilton
  • Brent Hawkes
  • Vett Lloyd
  • Mark Sevestre
  • Christina Vroom
  • Lisa Yarmoshuk


  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Richard Isnor, Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research

The Academic Affairs Committee is a standing committee of the Board.

The Committee reviews and advises the Board on issues and topics relating to academic affairs as they fall within or affect the general scope of the Board's mandate and responsibilities.



The Academic Affairs Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with Section 6(8)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee shall review and advise the Board on issues and topics relating to academic affairs as they fall within or affect the general scope of the Board's mandate and responsibilities.


In accordance with Section 6(8)(b) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist 12 members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  • (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the President;
  • (iii) the Chair of the Board; and
  • (iv) the Chair of the Executive Committee; and
  • (v) the Provost and Vice-President, Academic and Research

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee; and
  • (ii) six members, at least one of whom shall be a student and at least one of whom shall be a member of the Faculty.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, other than any member who is a student who shall serve for a term of one year.

Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms, in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) Oversight of Academic Affairs

  1. reviewing reports on the University鈥檚 academic programs and their accredation status;
  2. reviewing reports measuring the University鈥檚 performance against established performance indicators related to teaching, learning and research;
  3. reviewing other regular reports on the academic affairs of the University so as to inform the Board on academic matters which the Committee considers would be of general interest to the Board;
  4. providing recommendations to the Board regarding policy and action when the Committee deems it necessary and appropriate;
  5. reviewing and monitoring the implementation of, and adherence to, any strategic statement, objective or plan of the University as it relates to academic affairs;
  6. supporting the Vice-President, Academic and Research in addressing academic issues and fulfilling academic initiatives; and
  7. reviewing such other issues and topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time to time refer to the Committee.

(b) Risk Management

  1. overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022



  • Brent Hawkes
  • Scott McMullen
  • Mike Roberts
  • Mark Sevestre
  • Brent Spencer, Chair
  • Christina Vroom
  • Lisa Yarmoshuk


  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair

The Audit Committee is a standing committee of the Board. The Committee shall oversee all financial matters in a manner consistent with its specific terms of reference and shall emphasize honesty and ethical behaviour in all matters pertaining to the University.



The Audit Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with Section 6(9)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee is responsible to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for all material aspects of the financial reporting process, the system of internal control and risk management, including compliance with laws and regulation and the audit process.


In accordance with Section 6(9)(b) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of a minimum of seven and a maximum of ten members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio non-voting members:

  • (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the Chair of the Board; and
  • (iii) the Chair of the Executive Committee.

(b) Voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee;
  • (ii) a minimum of three and a maximum of four Regents; and
  • (iii) up to two additional members who are not Regents and who are eligible to serve on the Committee.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years.

Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


Each member of the Committee is required to be independent of the University and to have the ability to read and understand financial statements.

None of the five Regents who serve as voting members of the Committee shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

No member of the Committee shall be an employee of the University, a student of the University or otherwise considered not to be independent of the University.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.

Between meetings the Chair of the Committee may pre-approve engagements on behalf of the Committee.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.
The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) External Auditor

  1. recommending to the Board, on an annual basis, the appointment or reappointment of the external auditor and the compensation of the external auditor; and
  2. overseeing the work of the external auditor and for the resolution of disagreements, if any, between University management and the external auditor concerning financial reporting.

(b) Audit

  1. ensuring that arrangements with respect to the timing and scope of the annual audit are appropriate;
  2. ensuring that any matters that the external auditor wishes to bring to the attention of the Board are addressed and brought to the attention of the Board;
  3. reviewing the annual financial statements with University management and the external auditor to gain reasonable assurance that they are fairly presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and
  4. through discussion and other communication with University management and the external auditor, obtaining reasonable assurance that adequate systems of internal control relating to financial reporting are in place and are functioning effectively.

(c) Non-Audit Services

  1. pre-approving non-audit services to be provided by the external auditor in accordance with the Committee鈥檚 policy for the approval of such services and, in particular, any non-audit engagement where the fee is, or is reasonably anticipated to be, in excess of 10% of the University鈥檚 financial statement audit fee; and
  2. approving the annual Review of Operations and recommend it to the Board of Regents for its approval.

(d) Compliance

  1. overseeing compliance with legal, regulatory, and policy requirements through receiving regular reports including those related to:
  • i. material litigation and any other claims or proceedings that may materially impact the University鈥檚 financial position or reputation;
  • ii. compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and
  • iii. conflict of interest disclosures by Regents.

(e) Complaints and Reporting

  1. obtaining reasonable assurance that adequate procedures are in place for the receipt and treatment of complaints about accounting matters, audit matters, and internal controls and for the confidential, anonymous submission by employees of concerns about accounting, auditing, and/or other financial or ethical matters; and

(f) Risk Management

  1. reviewing and understanding the material risks facing the University;
  2. gaining reasonable assurance from the administration as to the process followed in identifying and assessing risk;
  3. overseeing the University鈥檚 risk management system and process, including effective processes in place to identify, monitor, measure, manage and report on material risks;
  4. assisting the administration in the evaluation of the University鈥檚 risk tolerance in the development and pursuit of its strategic priorities;
  5. allocating the oversight of specific risks to other Board Committees, and developing a process for risk reporting to the Board; and
  6. receiving regular reports from the administration on the levels of insurance coverage along with an assessment of the adequacy thereof.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.

The Committee has the authority to engage the external auditor and/or third-party specialists and to conduct special investigations where it believes such action to be warranted and to enter into individual engagements in respect of such services to the maximum amount in any one year approved by the Executive Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Finance and Administration


  • Sarah Crawford
  • Michael Gibbens
  • Zac McIsaac
  • Dan Nowlan
  • Dave Shastri, Chair
  • Andrew Wilson


  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Paul Henry, Board of Regents Vice-Chair
  • Robert Inglis, Vice-President, Finance and Administration
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair

The Finance and Administration Committee is a standing committee of the Board. The Committee shall review and advise the Board on all issues and topics relating to: 

  • personnel
  • legal affairs
  • budget
  • accounting
  • fiscal management
  • such other issues and topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time to time refer to the Committee or which the Committee may from time to time deem to fall within the general scope of its mandate and responsibilities.



The Finance and Administration Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with section 6(10)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee shall review and advise the Board on all issues and topics relating to: (a) personnel, (b) legal affairs, (c) budget, (d) accounting, (e) fiscal management; and (f) such other issues and topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time to time refer to the Committee or which the Committee may from time to time deem to fall within the general scope of its mandate and responsibilities.


In accordance with Section 6(10)(b) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of 13 members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  •  (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the President;
  • (iii) the Chair of the Board
  • (iv) the Vice Chair of the Board;
  • (v) the Chair of the Executive Committee; and
  • (vi) the Vice-President, Administration and Finance.

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee; and
  • (ii) six members, at least one of whom shall be a student and at least one of whom shall be a member of Faculty.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, other than any member who is a student who shall serve for a term of one year.
Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) Financial Planning and Fiscal Policy

  1. advising and assisting the Executive Committee and the Board with developing policies regarding the University's financial and administrative affairs;
  2. reviewing, periodically, the administrative structures, policies, and practices in place regarding the following matters to ensure their continued appropriateness:
  • i.  the ongoing fiscal health of the University; and
  • ii. effective and efficient provision of support services and systems, including information technology;

(b) Operating and Capital Budgets

  1. reviewing and making recommendations to the Board for approval, annually, with respect to the annual operating and capital the budgets proposed by the President for the ensuing fiscal year; and
  2. advising the President, where appropriate, in budget preparation.

(c) Monitoring and Advising

  1. monitoring financial results through the year as compared to approved budgets and advising the Executive Committee and the President as appropriate;
  2. reviewing recommendations on other matters of a significant financial impact proposed by the President and forwarding appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee;
  3. advising the Executive Committee and the President, as   appropriate, on matters arising from the reviews; and
  4. advising the President and Executive Committee on matters related to collective agreements.

(d) Financing and Debt Management

  1. reviewing the financing strategies of the University and establishing and reviewing debt financing policies; and
  2. making recommendations to the Board with respect to incurring any debt obligation requiring the Board鈥檚 approval under the financial policies of the University.

(e) Information Technology (鈥淚T鈥) and Cybersecurity

  1. reviewing and approving an IT and cybersecurity master plan for the University;
  2. receiving and reviewing, at least annually, a report on the University鈥檚 performance and the status of all initiative under the IT and cybersecurity master plan and on information management practices, systems and controls; and
  3. reviewing and approving policies related to IT, information management and cybersecurity matters, including:  (a) data collection and security, (b) privacy and the protection of information, (c) IT systems and controls, (d) disaster and recovery planning and (e) digital infrastructure projects.

(f) Environmental, Social and Governance (鈥淓SG鈥)

  1. recommending and overseeing actions in connection with the University鈥檚 financial and administrative affairs which align with and advance the University鈥檚 ESG strategy.

(g) Risk

  1. overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording Secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022



  • Sam Imbeault
  • Cory Langlais
  • Zac McIsaac
  • Dale Noseworthy
  • Daniel Nowlan, Chair
  • Richard Price


  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Dave Shastri, Finance and Administration Committee Chair
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair



The Investment Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with Section 6(12)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee shall review and advise the Board on all issues and topics relating to investment of the University's endowment and pension funds.


The Committee shall consist of 12 members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  • (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the President;
  • (iii) the Chair of the Board;
  • (iv) the Chair of the Executive Committee; and
  • (v) the Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee.

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee;
  • (ii) six members, at least one of whom shall be a student and at least one of whom shall be a member of the Faculty.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, other than any member who is a student who shall serve for a term of one year.

Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms, in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.
All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) Investment and Endowment Policies

  1. advising and assisting the Executive Committee and the Board in developing policies related to the University's investments and endowments, including investment objectives and benchmarks; and
  2. reviewing investment and endowment policies at least annually, to ensure the long-term health of the funds and to ensure sound financial stewardship.

(b) Investment Managers

  1. making recommendations to the Executive Committee on the appointment of investment managers and custodians and the terms of their mandates; and
  2. reviewing investment manager and custodian mandates on a bi-annual basis.

(c) Oversight

  1. reviewing the performance of the University鈥檚 investments against benchmarks and objectives set forth in established investment policies; and
  2. monitoring investment trends and developments and reviewing reports on investment-related risk and making recommendations with respect thereto, as deemed appropriate, to the Executive Committee.

(d) Environmental, Social and Governance (鈥淓SG鈥)

  1. recommending and overseeing actions in connection with the University鈥檚 investment policies and practices which align with and advance the University鈥檚 ESG strategy.

(e) Risk

  1.  overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Nominating and Governance


  • Sarah Crawford
  • Lynn Loewen, Chair
  • Dave Shastri


  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair
  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Paul Henry, Board of Regents Vice-Chair



The Nominating and Governance Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 (the 鈥淎ct鈥) and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with Section 6(13)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee shall be advisory to the Board of Regents, and shall (a) ensure new Regent orientation and continuing education; (b) monitor and suggest improvement to Board of Regents鈥 activities including communication with the University community; and (c) assess the effectiveness of the Board as a whole, the committees of the Board, and the contribution of individual Regents.


In accordance with Section 6(13)(c) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of six members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  • (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the Chair of the Board;
  • (iii) the Vice-Chair of the Board; and
  • (iv) the Chair of the Executive Committee.

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) one member of the Executive Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee; and
  • (ii) one Regent, appointed by the Board.

Appointment and Term of Office

Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


In accordance with Section 16(8) of the Act and as confirmed in Section 6(13)(c)(i) of the By-Law, the Chancellor shall be the Chair of the Committee.  In accordance with Section 6(13)(c)(ii) of the By-Law, the Vice-Chair of the Board shall be the Vice-Chair of the Committee.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board shall fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, including Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote. All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) Recruitment, Nomination and Appointments

  1. reviewing periodically the composition of the Board and identifying the attributes, qualities, skills and experience of Regents and opportunities to enhance the Board鈥檚 performance;
  2. advancing the Board鈥檚 commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility;
  3. engaging in succession planning for the Board;
  4. nominating individuals and making recommendations to the Board, or the Executive Committee, in connection with:
  • i. appointments to the Board which the Board itself is empowered to make;
  • ii. appointments by the Board to Senate;
  • iii. appointments to any standing committee or ad hoc of the Board;
  • iv. appointments to any committee on which the Board is represented; and
  • v. appointments of chairs to any committee of the Board.

(b) Board Orientation and Education

  1. designing and implementing an orientation program for new Regents;
  2. designing and overseeing a continuous education program for the Board; and
  3. promoting the mentorship and advancement of Regents.

(c) Board Effectiveness

  1. monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the Board and its committees on a regular basis and making recommendations for improvement; and
  2. reviewing periodically the role, membership and terms of reference of the Board and its standing committees.

(d) Environmental, Social and Governance (鈥淓SG鈥) Oversight

  1. reviewing, and recommending to the Board for approval, an ESG strategy for the University;
  2. monitoring the University鈥檚 performance against its ESG strategy;
  3. periodically reviewing the By-Law and the Board鈥檚 governance practices, policies and structures and making recommendations for changes, as appropriate, in alignment with the ESG strategy and best practices in the governance of universities; and
  4. exercising oversight in the development, implementation, monitoring and review of the University鈥檚 policies and procedures.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Property and Facilities


  • Reid Delaney
  • James Kalyn
  • Dale Noseworthy
  • Dan Nowlan
  • Jeff Paikin, Chair
  • Christina Vroom
  • Andrew Wilson


  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regent Chair
  • Dave Shastri, Finance and Administration Committee Chair
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair



The Property and Facilities Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with Section 6(14) of the By-Law, the Committee shall review and advise the Board on all issues and topics relating to: (a) real estate; (b) leased property; (c) buildings; (d) grounds; (e) physical plant infrastructure; (f) related health and safety; and (g) such other topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time to time refer to the Committee or which the Committee may from time to time deem to fall within the general scope of its mandate and responsibilities.


In accordance with Section 6(15) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of eleven members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  • (i) the President;
  • (ii) the Chair of the Board;
  • (iii) the Chair of the Executive Committee; and
  • (iv) the Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee.

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee; and
  • (ii) six members, at least one of whom shall be a student and at least one of whom shall be a member of the Faculty.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, other than any member who is a student who shall serve for a term of one year.

Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms, in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) Campus Planning and Facility Renewal

  1. developing and recommending [to the Board] a strategic, multi-year master plan (the 鈥淐ampus Master Plan鈥) which to govern the planning, development, management, control, maintenance, renewal and use of the land, property, buildings and physical infrastructure of the University (the 鈥淧hysical Plant鈥);
  2. reviewing and, if appropriate, recommending to the Board amendments or updates to the Campus Master Plan, on at least an annual basis;
  3. annually reviewing the plan for deferred maintenance projects for the coming year and subsequent years and making recommendations to the President and the Executive Committee concerning the University's deferred maintenance needs and the resources which should be dedicated to meeting those needs and the objectives of the Campus Master Plan; and
  4. reviewing, from time to time as the Committee deems appropriate, the condition of the Physical Plant, and recommending to the Executive Committee any actions deemed appropriate in achieving the objectives of the Campus Master Plan and the short or long range interests of the University.

(b) Infrastructure and Capital Project Oversight

  1. with reference to the Campus Master Plan, reviewing recommendations from the President, and making appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee and the Board, related to:
    i. the acquisition or disposition of real property, whether by purchase, sale, lease, or other transfer; and
    ii. the acquisition or construction of new space, the major renovation of existing space, or the decommissioning or disposition of existing space; and
    iii. the approval of designs and plans; and
  2. receiving regular reports on approved capital projects and monitoring the progress of capital projects against established budgets and work schedules.

(c) Property and Facility Oversight

  1. advising the Board on the use and occupancy of the Physical Plant and recommendations as to optimal space utilization in response to present and anticipated needs of the University;
  2. providing advice to the Finance and Administration Committee, where appropriate, on matters related to collective agreements as they affect Physical Plant issues; and
  3. considering and recommending to the Board proposals for the naming of lands or buildings.

(d) Accessibility and Sustainability

  1. overseeing the University鈥檚 efforts in ensuring the accessibility of its facilities and infrastructure and compliance with applicable laws;
  2. reviewing regular reports which measure the University鈥檚 performance in respect of sustainability initiatives and energy management against established performance indicators; and
  3. recommending and overseeing actions in connection with the University鈥檚 management of its facilities and infrastructure which align with and advance the University鈥檚 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy.

(e) Policy

  1. advising and assisting the Executive Committee and the Board in developing policies related to the University's real property, leased property, and physical plant (grounds, buildings, and infrastructure) and in reviewing these policies periodically, to ensure their appropriateness;
  2. reviewing, from time to time as the Committee deems appropriate, the administrative structures, policies, and practices in place to ensure the ongoing health and safety of the physical plant (grounds, buildings, and infrastructure) and recommend to the Executive Committee and the Board, or the President, as appropriate, changes in policy or practices arising from this review.

(f) Risk

  1. overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular meeting of the Board on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Student Affairs


  • Cailean Clements
  • Brent Hawkes
  • Martine Savoie
  • Phil Tibbo, Chair
  • Fraser Turner
  • Heather Webster
  • Alex Whynot
  • Lisa Yarmoshuk


  • Matt Maston, Interim Vice-President, International and Student Affairs
  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair



The Student Affairs Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


The Committee shall review and advise the Board on all issues and topics relating to student affairs including matters related to: (a) student health and wellness, (b) residence life, (c) services and supports and (d) such other issues and topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time to time refer to the Committee or which the Committee may from time to time deem to fall within the general scope of its mandate and responsibilities.  


In accordance with Section 6(15)(b) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of 15 members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  • (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the President;
  • (iii) the Chair of the Board;
  • (iv) the Chair of the Executive Committee; and
  • (v) the Vice-President, International and Student Affairs.

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee;
  • (ii) three Regents, appointed by the Board;
  • (iii) three students;
  • (iv) one member of the Faculty; and
  • (v) two members, who are not Regents, students or members of the Faculty.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, other than any member who is a student who shall serve for a term of one year.
Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms, in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law. 


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.  

All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

In the accordance with Section 6(15)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee shall:

  1. support the Vice-President, International and Student Affairs in addressing student life initiatives and issues;
  2. examine and review the student affairs of the University so as to inform the Board on student life matters which the Committee considers would be of general interest to the members and provide advice to the Board when the Committee deems it necessary and important;
  3. review and monitor the implementation of and adherence to the University鈥檚 strategic statement in any student affairs matters and report to the Board accordingly; and
  4. review such other issues and topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time-to-time refer to the Committee.

In addition, the Committee is responsible for:

(a) Student Experience

  1. reviewing and making recommendations in respect of the University鈥檚 plans, policies, procedures and metrics with respect to: (i) student enrolment, retention and engagement; (ii) student safety and well-being (mental and physical); (iii) the student learning experience; (iv) student satisfaction; and (iv) any other policies and metrics relevant to the Committee鈥檚 mandate;
  2. monitoring the performance of the University against the established plans, policies, procedures and metrics;
  3. encouraging strong relations with students as key stakeholders in the University;
  4. reviewing and monitoring the quality of the student life experience for a diverse student population; and
  5. engaging with other Board standing committees, when appropriate, with respect to matters pertinent to the student experience.

(b) Environmental, Social and Governance (鈥淓SG鈥)

  1. recommending and overseeing actions in connection with the University鈥檚 approach to student affairs which align with and advance the University鈥檚 ESG strategy.

(c) Risk

  1. overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The Chair of the Committee may invite appropriate individuals to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee, as the Chair determines appropriate.
The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.


The Committee shall report to the Board at each regular Board meeting on the activities of the Committee.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

University Advancement


  • Cailean Clements
  • Sarah Crawford, Chair
  • Michael Gibbens
  • Anne Koval
  • Jeff Paikin
  • Martine Savoie
  • Brent Spencer


  • Cheryl Hodder, Board of Regents Chair
  • Lynn Loewen, Chancellor
  • Ian Sutherland, President and Vice-Chancellor
  • Gita Anand, Executive Committee Chair



The University Advancement Committee (the 鈥淐ommittee鈥) is a standing committee of the Board of Regents (the 鈥淏oard鈥) of 正品蓝导航 (the 鈥淯niversity鈥) established pursuant to Section 16(7) of the 正品蓝导航 Act, 1993 and Section 6(2) of the University鈥檚 By-Law Number 94-1, as amended (the 鈥淏y-Law鈥).


In accordance with Section 6(16)(a) of the By-Law, the Committee shall review and advise the Board on all issues and topics relating to (a) brand and reputation management; (b) marketing and communications; (c) development and fundraising; (d) alumni relations; (e) media and public relations; and (f) such other issues and topics as the Board or the Executive Committee may from time to time refer to the Committee or which the Committee may from time to time deem to fall within the general scope of its mandate and responsibilities.


In the accordance with Section 6(16)(b) of the By-Law, the Committee shall consist of thirteen members, comprised as follows:

(a) Ex-officio voting members:

  • (i) the Chancellor;
  • (ii) the President;
  • (iii) the Chair of the Board; and
  • (iv) the Chair of the Executive Committee.

(b) Other voting members:

  • (i) the Chair of the Committee; and
  • (ii) eight additional members, at least one of whom shall be a student and at least one of whom shall be a member of Faculty.

Appointment and Term of Office

In accordance with Section 6(4) of the By-Law, each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, other than any member who is a student who shall serve for a term of one year.
Members may be appointed for one or more additional terms, in accordance with Section 6(6) of the By-Law.


The Chair of the Committee shall be a Regent who is appointed to that office by the Board and shall serve for a term of two years, in accordance with Section 6(3) of the By-Law.


Should there at any time be a vacancy in the position of Chair of the Committee or of a member of the Committee, the Board may fill any such vacancy for the balance of the term of the departed Chair or member pursuant to Section 6(5) of the By-law.


The Committee shall meet at least three times each year.


In accordance with Section 6(7) of the By-law, the quorum for meetings of the Committee shall be a majority of the Committee members, excluding Regents who are ex officio members of the Committee.  A meeting of the Committee may only be held with the duly appointed Chair of the Committee present.


Questions arising at any meeting of the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and every member present at the meeting and entitled to vote shall have one vote.
All voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded, in which event a poll by ballot shall be taken.  

The Chair of a meeting shall not be entitled to vote upon any question arising at the meeting except in the case of a tie vote in which case the Chair shall be entitled to a casting vote, subject to the relevant provisions of Section 3 of the By-Law.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for:

(a) Long-Term Sustainability

  1. assisting with the preparation of a long-term, strategic plan for all activities in University Advancement and annual operating plans;
  2. ensuring the University鈥檚 advancement policies and plans are focused on sustaining the long-term independence, viability and success of the University.

(b) University Advancement Oversight

  1. Providing oversight of the performance of University Advancement against the established plans;
  2. Overseeing adherence to advancement policies and plans; and
  3. providing advice and support to the President and Vice-President, University Advancement.

(c) University Fundraising and Development

  1. identifying opportunities for the University related to fundraising and special project development;
  2. advising, assisting and supporting the Board in the development and oversight of appropriate policies governing the University鈥檚 fundraising activities;
  3. exercising oversight over the University鈥檚 fundraising and advancement initiatives to ensure alignment with the University鈥檚 mission and strategic plan;
  4. supporting University Advancement in its planning and execution of major fundraising campaigns;
  5. providing leadership in promoting and communicating to the external community and government the importance of private and public financial support for the University; and
  6. monitoring fundraising progress against identified performance measures and targets.

(d) Strategic Relationships and Reputation

  1. advising and assisting the Board with the development of policy regarding the University's external relations and public affairs, with a focus on promoting the University and cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with key stakeholders;
  2. advising and assisting Senior Administration in the development and implementation of government relations strategies and initiatives;
  3. identifying opportunities for the University related to external communications and alumni affairs;
  4. actively supporting the 正品蓝导航 Alumni Association and the University in fostering strong alumni engagement; and
  5. advising and assisting with marketing, media and public relations initiatives, as requested.

(e) Risk

  1. overseeing the identification, monitoring and mitigation of risks in areas within the Committee鈥檚 mandate as requested by the Audit Committee from time to time.


The following shall serve as resources to the Committee:

  • (a) the Alumni Board President, who shall participate in meetings of the Committee as an observer;
  • (b) the Vice-President, University Advancement; and
  • (c) such individuals as may be invited by the Chair of the Committee to attend meetings and provide advice to the Committee.

The Secretary of the Board will provide administrative support and serve as a resource and recording secretary to the Committee.  


The Committee shall report to the Board:

  • (a) at each regular meeting of the Board, on the activities of the Committee; and
  • (b) at least annually, on advancement trends, opportunities and risks.

Approved by the Executive Committee: October 21, 2022

Senate-Board committee

The Board of Regents and the Senate have a joint Honorary Degrees Committee to determine honorary degree recipients.

Find out more about the Honorary Degrees Committee on the Senate page.