
ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Campus

Academic Calendar 2022-2023

Table of Contents

Community Engaged Learning

The Minor in Community Engaged Learning has three core courses, which introduce ideas of community, the theory and practice of community engaged learning, and critical pedagogies. The intermediate level courses build on this knowledge and also allow students an opportunity to work in a sustained way with a community partner. The program incorporates a range of courses from around the University to allow students the chance to explore themes in community engaged learning. The Minor combines both theoretical and applied learning by requiring 6 credits of practica. Students have at least one opportunity to connect their developing disciplinary expertise in their major area of study with community engaged learning.

A certificate in Community Engaged Learning is also available (see Certificate Programs in Section 12 Programs and Courses of Instruction).

Interdisciplinary B.A. Programs

MINOR in Community Engaged Learning is 24 credits earned as follows:

6from CENL 1001, 2001, 2101
3from CENL 3101, 4001
9from the following, with at least 6 being at the 3/4000 level: CANA 2201, 3231, 4201, CENL 4951*, GENV 1201, 3511, 3801, INDG 1001, 3991, 4991, PHIL 1611, 2701, 3721, PSYC 2121, 2301, 2431, 2611, 3421, 3511, 3801, SOCI 3521, 3531, 3731, 3751, 4541, RELG 2411, 3911, 3981, WGST 1001, 2101, 3201, 4301
6from CENL 4101, GENV 4521, SOCI 4311

±·´Ç³Ù±ð:  Students are responsible for ensuring that they have prerequisites for 2/3/4000 level courses in the elective streams

±·´Ç³Ù±ð:  *It is strongly recommended that students will seek an opportunity to explore the connection between community engaged learning and their own area of developing expertise


±·´Ç³Ù±ð:  The listing of a course in the Calendar is not a guarantee that the course is offered every year.

±·´Ç³Ù±ð:  Students must obtain a grade of at least C- in all courses used to fulfill prerequisite requirements. Otherwise, written permission of the appropriate Department Head or Program Co-ordinator must be obtained.

Intro to Compassionate Communities

This course explores the concept of the compassionate community as a model for how communities might address social injustices such as poverty, homelessness and loneliness in their midst. Drawing on tools from work in community engaged learning, the course gives students the critical and theoretical skills to understand the factors in community making (history, shared values, identity) and the preparations needed for establishing and maintaining community partnerships. The course has a particular focus on the local-Sackville, Port Elgin, Dorchester-and an applied component that directs students in the skills needed to make connections with local potential community partners and assemble the skills and competencies to discern mutually what sort of relationships and projects are best, given the needs of all involved. [Note 1: This course is cross-listed as RELG 1001 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline] (Format: Lecture/Tutorial 3 hours) (Exclusion: RELG 1991 Compassionate Communities)

Special Topic in Community Engaged Learning

This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for CENL 1991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.] (Format: Variable)

Community Narratives

This course facilitates community literacy through the analysis of the narratives that groups and institutions develop about themselves or others in order to perform certain functions of community. The word "narratives" is understood broadly and includes such factors as community programming, local events and practices, religious observances, material culture, natural and historical sites, local myths and practices, and family histories. Using a range of relevant critical tools, and focusing on local community contexts, students examine these cultural texts for the shared values and complex identities that they evidence. (Format: Lecture/Tutorial 3 hours)

Community-Engaged Learning

Prereq: 3 credits from CENL/RELG 1001, CENL 2001; or permission of the Department.
This course involves sustained participation in a major ongoing community project. It introduces students to the field of community engaged learning and facilitates the exploration of models of community engagement. It provides an opportunity to develop the skills and values necessary to establish community partnerships, engage in community advocacy, and participate in non-profit organizations. (Format: Lecture/Tutorial 3 hours)

Special Topic in Community Engaged Learning

This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for CENL 2991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.] (Format: Variable)

Community As Classroom

Prereq: 3 credits from CENL/RELG 1001, CENL 2001; CENL 2101; or Permission of the department.
This course provides a deep survey of methods and theories of community engagement. It introduces students to the larger community of praxis of community-engaged learning, and centres students' participation in a major ongoing community project. Students assist in project design, assessment, and formulation of future projects. (Format: Lecture/Tutorial 3 hours) (Exclusions: Any version of UNST 3991/4991 with the same title Community as Classroom)

Special Topic in Community Engaged Learning

This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for CENL 3991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.] (Format: Variable)

Advanced Studies in Community Engagement

Prereq: Take 3 credits from RELG/CENL 1001, CENL 2001; CENL 2101; CENL 3101; or Permission of the department.
This course provides students with a focused learning opportunity in community engagement research. Topics will vary from year to year and will be connected with a focused, experiential learning opportunity. [Note1: This course is cross-listed with RELG 4001 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline. Note 2: RELG / CENL 4001 may be taken for credit more than once if the topic differs]

Practicum in Community-Engaged Learning

Prereq: 3 credits from CENL/RELG 1001, CENL 2001; CENL 2101; CENL 3101; or Permission of the department.
This course applies community-engaged learning methods and practices to an actual case or scenario in the student's local community. Students develop a project in cooperation with a community partner that forms a response to an existing problem that the student and partner have identified. Students and partners reflect on and evaluate the response and evaluate its future implications for the community. The practicum involves a learning environment where students' expertise in their major area of study can be brought together fully with community-engaged learning principles. [Note 1: Students may register for CENL 4101 more than once, provided the subject matter differs] (Format: Field course/experiential learning opportunity, 3 hours)

Independent Study in Community Engaged Learning

This course permits senior students, under the direction of faculty members, to pursue their interest in areas not covered, or not covered in depth, by other courses through a program of independent study. [Note 1: Permission of the Department/Program Advisor. Students must obtain consent of an instructor who is willing to be a supervisor and must register for the course prior to the last day for change of registration in the term during which the course is being taken. Note 2: A program on Independent Study cannot duplicate subject matter covered through regular course offerings. Note 3: Students may register for CENL 4950/51 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.] (Format: Independent Study)

Independent Study in Community Engaged Learning

This course permits senior students, under the direction of faculty members, to pursue their interest in areas not covered, or not covered in depth, by other courses through a program of independent study. [Note 1: Permission of the Department/Program Advisor. Students must obtain consent of an instructor who is willing to be a supervisor and must register for the course prior to the last day for change of registration in the term during which the course is being taken. Note 2: A program on Independent Study cannot duplicate subject matter covered through regular course offerings. Note 3: Students may register for CENL 4950/51 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.] (Format: Independent Study)

Special Topic in Community Engaged Learning

This course either focuses on topics not covered by the current course offerings in a department or program or offers the opportunity to pilot a course that is being considered for inclusion in the regular program. [Note 1: Prerequisite set by Department/Program when the topic and level are announced. Note 2: When a Department or Program intends to offer a course under this designation, it must submit course information, normally at least three months in advance, to the Dean. Note 3: Students may register for RELG 1991 more than once, provided the subject matter differs.] (Format: Variable)