
Guidelines and regulations for the preparation, reproduction, and submission of an honours thesis at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½.

The following guidelines and regulations have been developed to ensure that theses are prepared according to a schedule and in a manner that is consistent with accepted standards.  It is recognized that individual departments may require earlier submission of work or they may have additional requirements.

Departments may also have individual requirements with regard to style, format, and preparation.

I) Regulations and Timetable for Submitting Thesis

  1. The student must submit the thesis to the department or program for grading no later than April 7 (see ).
  2. The instructor or evaluation committee will submit the mark for the thesis to the Registrar's Office no later than four calendar days after the last day of the April examination period on April 16 (see ).
  3. The student is responsible for submitting two copies; (one digital with Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 via email to lwood@mta.ca and one bound paper copy must be submitted to the Deans’ Office no later than April 16.) in accordance with Calendar Regulation 10.10.5b. The hard copy of the thesis is placed in the University Archives; the digital copy is made available electronically via the Library catalogue. Some departments require that another bound copy be submitted for the departmental collection. It is also expected that the student will wish to keep at least one copy for her/his personal library. (Reproduction/Binding can be done at Departmental Support Services in the Wallace McCain Student Centre).

II) Technical Details  

  1. The original copy must be typed and printed on bond, 8½" by 11" paper. A 12 point font is required. Spacing can be 1.5 or single spacing with a space between paragraphs unless otherwise specified (e.g., by the Department). The thesis may be printed double-sided and the use of a "gutter" on the binding edge is recommended.
  2. Photocopies can be made at the located at the Bookstore in the Wallace McCain Student Centre.
  3. The presentation and format should follow the guidelines given by a style manual appropriate to current usage for publications in the discipline. A reference librarian can provide specific information upon request.
  4. Special attention should be paid to the bibliography. Entries must be complete enough to permit reference to the sources used by the author of the thesis.
  5. The title page should conform to the model provided in Appendix 1 — Title Page
  6. Appendix 3 — ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Thesis Licence Agreement MUST be submitted with the thesis. This form MUST be signed by the author in the appropriate place and must not be bound in the thesis.
  7. The cost of reproducing and binding the thesis will be charged to the Library and Archives by the print shop. Please have your Faculty Advisor sign Appendix 2 — Library Authorization Form (pdf). Give this form when having the thesis reproduced. A copy of the authorization form can be obtained from the print shop if the attached is lost or misplaced. Where possible, the cost of reproducing and binding a copy for departmental use will be paid by the department. The student will be responsible for the cost of producing his/her own copy or copies.
  8. The digital copy of the thesis should be in either a Microsoft Word or a Portable Document Format (pdf) via Adobe Acrobat version that will be forwarded to the Library for inclusion in the online catalogue by the Deans' Office. See Appendix 3 — ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Thesis License Agreement (pdf).