

In the first week of classes at the beginning of each academic term, instructors will provide students with written information indicating the policy concerning assignments, tests, final examination, practical and laboratory work, class participation, and attendance.

Grades are posted in as they become available after the final exam period in the fall and winter terms.

正品蓝导航 uses a letter system of grading. Letter grades and their meaning are described in regulation 10.9.3.

When will I get my final grades?

Faculty members must submit final grades to the Registrar's Office according to the following deadlines as described in regulation 10.9.2:

Fall Term: Normally before the University closes for the December holiday.

Winter Term: For all students whose names appear on the prospective May graduation list, four calendar days after the last day of the April examination period. For all other students normally 30 April.

For all other courses: Within seven calendar days of the final exam or the submission of final written work for the course.

Academic standing

Academic standing is determined on the basis of the Session Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

Academic standing is assessed once per year at the end of the winter academic term. It will be assessed for the first time after you have attempted 18 or more credits at 正品蓝导航.

Regulations regarding evaluations of student performance are described in section 10.9.

Students whose academic performance is such that they fail to achieve good standing will be placed on either:

This will be recorded on their transcript.

Students who have been notified that their academic performance is such that they have been placed on academic suspension or academic dismissal may appeal their academic standing.

Concerned about your grades or academic standing? Contact an academic advisor at advisor@mta.ca.

Why is academic standing important?

Academic standing determines whether you can continue your studies at 正品蓝导航. Academic standing is also a factor in determining whether:

  • you are eligible to graduate
  • you are eligible to overload
  • you will be approved for study abroad
  • you will be approved for an official leave of absence (international students)
  • you will be granted a letter of permission to take a course at another university for 正品蓝导航 credit  
What is TGPA, SGPA, and CGPA?
Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) Calculated at the end of each term by dividing the total number of grade points obtained during the term (credit hours x grade points) by the number of credit hours attempted per term.
Session Grade Point Average (SGPA) Calculated at the end of the Winter term in each academic session (Spring/Summer, Fall, Winter) by dividing the total number of grade points obtained during the session (credit hours x grade points) by the number of credit hours attempted.
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Calculated by dividing the total number of grade points obtained on all courses (credit hours x grade points) by the total number of credit hours attempted.
For students on academic probation

Advice for students on academic probation

Start by understanding the terms of academic probation as outlined in the .

  • Academic probation is a warning that your academic performance is unsatisfactory.
  • The academic advisor can help you calculate the grades you will need to earn to return to good standing.
  • Take the time to learn about the possible consequences if your academic performance does not improve during the probationary period.
  • You cannot appeal a standing of academic probation since you are permitted to return to studies and have been granted time to work on the problems that led to the probation.

This is an opportunity to reflect and focus on areas of development. Students receive low grades for a variety of different reasons:

  • Academic (preparedness for university studies, ineffective study or organizational skills, poor class attendance, course load too heavy, course selections inappropriate, English language difficulty, did not access necessary accommodations)
  • Long-term academic or career goals (unclear direction, lack of motivation or readiness, changing goals, difficulty connecting education to career or personal goals)
  • Personal (transition to university, social adjustment, homesick, family issues or illness in family, personal problems, roommate issues, difficulty balancing time and commitments outside of school)
  • Financial (insufficient funding, financial stress, working too many hours at paid employment, poor budgeting)
  • Health (missed time due to poor health or medical problems, emotional challenges, test anxiety, stress or mental health affected studies) 

You should honestly evaluate the factors that contributed to your academic standing.

This will help you decide on concrete steps to improve your academic performance. The key to academic success is honestly assessing your position and asking for help when you need it.

  • What factors were beyond your control?
  • What was within your control that you could have managed better?
  • Did you seek help for your problems?
  • What can you do differently moving forward?

Make use of academic support services on campus as needed:

  • The Math Help Centre is a drop-in service for those who need assistance in math
  • The Writing Resource Centre can assist with writing in all subject areas
  • Peer tutors can help with course work
  • Help with research skills is available through the Library
  • Studies skills workshops provide instruction on important skills such as note-taking, time-management, and exam prep
  • Contact the academicsupport@mta.ca for more details or additional support
  • The Meighen Centre provides services and accommodations to students with documented disabilities

Familiarize yourself with:

Professors and teaching assistants are great resources. Ask questions if you are struggling in a course, and visit your professor for insights into how to succeed.

Make an academic advising appointment. The advisor can help you understand academic probation regulations and review your academic plan to achieve good standing. Discussion topics may include program options, course selection, course load, and referrals to campus resources.

For students on academic suspension

Advice for students on academic suspension

We recommend that you meet with an academic advisor to clarify regulations regarding your academic standing, and discuss your situation.
Take some time to reflect on the circumstances that led to the suspension. This will help you decide how to move forward and take effective action. Were the overriding factors academic, personal, financial or health related? Be honest in your assessment and consider what is within your control to manage more effectively. It may be helpful to review the advice provided for students on academic probation.

If you find yourself placed on academic suspension you have two options to consider.

1) Accept the period of suspension and take a break from your studies

The period of Academic Suspension is one full year. Taking a break from your studies can be a positive thing. It may even improve your academic success in the future. Many students who take the opportunity to put their studies on hold will return to achieve good standing. During this time, you can seek support, attend to personal or family concerns, recover and recuperate, reevaluate your commitments, and assess your priorities.

Here are a few other points to consider:

  • If you were on academic probation prior to the suspension you were warned that you needed to seek assistance, and devise a plan to return to academic success. If you were unable to resolve your problems consider whether enrolling in further courses will lead to considerably more academic jeopardy.
  • Consider your personal goals, and make sure that university is where you want to be. Should your energies be devoted to something else instead? In assessing your commitment to university studies, take the time to evaluate your academic strengths and weaknesses. Reflect on your program choices and review your options in light of your future goals.
  • While away from the University, there are various opportunities you can pursue to help you develop a different perspective to inform your return to studies. Some students choose paid employment to gain new experiences, and save money for tuition and living expenses. This may be significant if you need to work during the academic year and struggle to balance your time.
  • You may also wish to commit to volunteer work, or seek learning experiences outside of the post-secondary context. This allows you to pursue other interests, and build your academic skill level.  Keep in mind, students on Academic Suspension may not receive credit at 正品蓝导航 for courses taken elsewhere during the suspension period.

2) Appeal the academic suspension to be reinstated on academic probation in the upcoming year

Should you decide that it is in your best interest to return to studies immediately you can appeal the academic suspension. The appeal provides you with an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances. You can also demonstrate to the committee that you have seriously reflected on your situation, and developed a plan of action.  Consider elaborating on the following as you prepare your letter of appeal:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the factors contributing to your poor academic performance. If possible, provide an explanation for your entire academic record since your suspension may be based on your cumulative GPA (performance across academic sessions).
  • What will you do differently if permitted to return to studies?
  • Have you accessed campus resources to assist with study skills, a (learning) disability, or supports for mental health? What other services or supports do you plan to access if you are readmitted?
  • Are you changing academic direction (switching degrees, choosing a new major program, or refocusing on courses in which you can reasonably expect to succeed)? Have you met with an academic advisor or program advisor to discuss course selection and degree planning?
  • What will help to motivate you and increase the likelihood of academic success?
  • Have any extenuating circumstances been resolved? Are there obstacles you have overcome such that it is likely you will succeed if allowed to continue?
  • If you were on academic probation prior to the suspension you were aware that you were in academic difficulty. Account for why your academic standing did not improve. What aspects of your plan to return to academic success were you able to put into action? What were the challenges? Did new circumstances arise this year that affected your academic performance or were you struggling with the same issues that led to the probationary standing?
  • For many students, the transition to university is not a smooth experience. If this is the end of your first year, reflect on whether you put in the time and effort necessary to be successful in university. Were you able to find a balance with other commitments? Did you regularly attend class and keep up with readings and assignments? Can you commit to working harder with greater focus next year? Do you need to develop your academic skills? Did you struggle adjusting to student life on campus?

To seek re-admission following a period of suspension, students must submit:

These must be received by the Registrar's Office at least two months prior to the academic term for which the student is applying for re-admission and, if applying for re-admission to the study term commencing in September, no later than June 15.

Academic appeal of suspension or dismissal

Students who have been notified that they are on academic suspension or dismissal can appeal their academic standing.

They should submit the academic standing appeal form (only available during the appeal period) outlining clearly and thoroughly the reasons for their poor academic performance and why they are ready to return to their studies.

The form must be submitted to the registrar鈥檚 office by the mid-June deadline indicated on their letter of notification.

Academic Standing Appeal Forms will be reviewed by the admissions and re-admissions committee. Students will be notified of the committee's decision by the end of June.

If the committee turns down the appeal, the student will be informed how they can further appeal the decision to the re-admissions appeal committee whose decision is final.

Academic standing FAQ

Please refer to for more information on student performance evaluations.

How do I know if I am in good academic standing?   

You are in good academic standing if you have a SGPA and CGPA of at least 1.5. You can view your academic standing in your 'Grade Report' in Self-Service.

Why is academic standing important?   

You must be in good academic standing to be considered for study abroad and exchange programs, to apply for a letter of permission (LOP) to take a course at another university, and to apply to overload.

Students who are not in good academic standing also risk being placed on academic probation, suspension, or dismissal.

How will I be informed if I am not in good academic standing?    

Academic standing is assessed each year at the end of the Winter term. Students will be notified by email when academic standings have been updated and are made available in Self-Service. Students placed on academic suspension or dismissal will be notified in a letter sent by email from the chair of the admissions and re-admissions committee. The email will include information on how to appeal the academic standing.

What happens if I am placed on academic probation?   

Students on academic probation cannot register for more than the normal course load (15 credits in each of the fall and winter terms; 12 credits in the spring/summer term.) Students on probation cannot take courses on letter of permission. They will return to good academic standing if their SGPA at the end of the probationary period is at least 1.5 and their CGPA is at least 1.5.

What happens if I am placed on academic suspension or dismissal? 

Students will be placed on academic suspension if in any academic year their CGPA is less than 1.0. If a student is already on probation, they will be placed on suspension if their SGPA is less than 1.5.  The period of suspension is one year. Students cannot take courses at 正品蓝导航 or receive credit at 正品蓝导航 for courses taken somewhere else while suspended. At the end of the year, the student can apply for re-admission. 

Students who are placed on academic suspension for a second time will be dismissed from the University for a period of three years. Students cannot take courses at 正品蓝导航 or receive credit at 正品蓝导航 for courses taken somewhere else while dismissed. At the end of the dismissal, the student can apply for re-admission.

Can I continue with my spring term courses if I am placed on academic suspension, or dismissal?

Yes, you are permitted to remain registered in your spring term courses at 正品蓝导航. Results will be factored into cumulative credits attempted, completed, and CGPA. The grades from these courses will not affect the assessment of your standing from the previous academic session. Students who have a letter of permission to take a course at another institution during the spring term should note that approval was granted on the condition that you achieved good standing at the end of the winter term. The letter of permission is no longer valid if you did not achieve good standing.

How do I improve my Cumulative GPA (CGPA)? 

One of the best ways to improve your CGPA is to repeat any 正品蓝导航 courses that you failed or for which you earned low grades. Only the higher grade is factored into your CGPA when you successfully repeat a course through 正品蓝导航. All course work completed at another institution is excluded from your 正品蓝导航 GPA. In the event that a course is repeated by transfer credit, the transfer credit is excluded from cumulative grade point average calculations, but the failed attempt(s) that the transfer credit replaces will also be excluded from the cumulative grade point average calculations.

For the most up-to-date information, see our

Dean's list

Recognizing excellent academic performance

Dean's List standing is assessed once per year after grades have been submitted at the end of the Winter term. The Dean's List carries no financial award. For more specific information on the regulations surrounding Dean's List standing, please see regulation 10.9.20.

Dean's List 2023-2024


Questions? Contact the Registrar's Office at regoffice@mta.ca or call (506) 364-2269.