Ʒ seeks to support and celebrate the campus community's religious and spiritual diversity.

Spiritual care at Ʒ has a place for everyone — for students of all spiritual, religious, and philosophical paths, for all faiths and no faiths.

The multi-faith chaplain and spiritual care co-ordinator, together with the student spiritual care ambassadors, offer programs grounded in the valued of generosity, curiosity, gratitude, compassion, and hospitality. They are here to help you on your path in any way they can.

  • Explore life through the lens of spirituality
  • Be curious about big questions (and small ones too)
  • Reflect on life's meaning, value, and purpose
  • Learn more about religious diversity and literacy
  • Connect to a network of faith leaders and learn more about faiths lived on campus
How does MtA Spiritual Care work with people of different faiths and spiritual paths?

MtA Spiritual Care:

  • Works with different religious clubs and faith groups to provide spiritual care to students of all faiths, including exam accommodation, dietary requirements and other needs
  • Provides opportunities for interfaith encounters
  • Works with the MtA community to be a more diverse and inclusive community where all faiths are valued and respected
  • Collaborates with religious clubs to explore holy days and commemorations, such as an iftar during Ramadan or a Hannukah celebration
  • Encourages the community to explore faiths from a place of curiosity

Visit us at the Chapel or at Student Life, WMSC 2nd floor.

Follow us on social media!

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Spiritual care resources

Multi-faith chaplain and spiritual care co-ordinator

Ʒ's multi-faith chaplain and spiritual care co-ordinator serves the entire University community, regardless of religious background.

Sometimes, you just need a listening ear or space to hear yourself think out loud. The multi-faith chaplain and spiritual care co-ordinator is available for one-on-one consultation for your questions and concerns in matters of faith, spirituality, values, ethics, relationships, and the self.

To make an appointment, email spiritualcare@mta.ca

Rev. Ellie Hummel, Multi-Faith Chaplain and Spiritual Care Co-ordinator

Spiritual care spaces

The University Chapel 63B York St. — Built in 1964 through the generous gifts of alumni and supporters of the University, the Chapel is maintained by Ʒ’s multi-faith chaplain and spiritual care co-ordinator.

The Chapel includes:

  • The sanctuary (main space) — a wonderful place to explore, wonder, and clear your head. It is a space open to people of all faith or no faiths to come in, sit, pause, or meet friends. The Chapel was built with support from alumni and shows of the Christian roots of the University. The sanctuary is also a great space for events, both sacred and secular, and is bookable through or be emailing spiritualcare@mta.ca.
  • Quiet room — the small room at the front right of the sanctuary for meditation, prayer and reflection. Basic meditation instructions and reflection questions are available. It is a great space to disconnect, as the internet is not available in the small space.
  • Manning multi-faith room — is a great community space! It’s open for the Ʒ community to study, meet or hang out. Check out the comfy couches, work on the jigsaw puzzle or make yourself a cup of tea or heat up a snack in the adjacent kitchen. During exam period, it is reserved as a study space. It can also be booked by student clubs and departments through or be emailing spiritualcare@mta.ca.
  • Multi-faith prayer room — located on the lower level of the Chapel just off the hallway. Enjoy daily prayers or reflections. Some prayer mats and resources are available.
What to do in the Chapel

If you have never been to a sacred space, here are some tips:

  • Know you are welcome whatever you believe, whoever you are!
  • Explore the Chapel from different perspectives: Sit in a pew, go up on the balcony, or look at the space from the front.
  • Play “I spy” with the stained-glass windows. Can you find the bird with the pink beak? Or the pink triangle? Or the deer? Or the red person? Or other objects?
  • Lie on the floor (yes, you can do that here!) and just look up at the ceiling and patterns the wood creates and contemplate what you see.
  • Look for reflections of the stained-glass windows on the walls, the floor or the pews.  Come back at different times of the day or in different weather, as the colours and light is always changing.
  • Look at the books and artifacts on the table at the front (communion table). Find a quote or verse that speaks to you.
  • Take photos of the space and post them on IG, tagging @mtaspiritualcare

How to get involved

Spiritual care ambassador team

This student team actively promotes the mission of MtA Spiritual Care, together with the multi-faith chaplain and spiritual care co-ordinator. It's comprised of a diverse group of students who explore spirituality and life from a student perspective. You may also see them at display tables or supporting events. To find out more or to apply to be part of the team, contact spiritualcare@mta.ca

Faith-based student groups

Currently registered faith-based student clubs and societies include:

  • Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
  • Jewish Students' Union
  • Muslim Student Society
  • The Witch’s Society

For the most up-to-date list of faith-based student groups, see

Looking to connect with some students coming from the following faith traditions? Please contact spiritualcare@mta.ca for more information!

  • Hindu
  • Sikh
  • Christian — Orthodox Christian
  • Buddhist
  • Unitarian Universalist

Ask big questions

What are you thankful for? What is your superpower? Where do you find support when times are tough?

We engage students and the MtA community in life’s big questions. Watch for our conversation wheel on campus, for display tables or for activities that invite reflection.

Activities have included the Wave of Gratitude during Convocation and Reunion weekends, Hope Flags as part of the MtAmazing Race during Orientation and Remembrance Day Reflections, where over 250 students reflected on the meaning of remembrance days, on conflict war past and present and on peace building initiatives that we can participate in.