
All students must register with the Meighen Centre before accessing services and accommodations.

We highly recommend students register early as documentation may be required and some supports take time to implement. See a list of available accommodations.

Step 1: Submit your registration form

To register with the Meighen Centre, complete the in Accommodate, our accessibility services management system.

You'll be asked to identify the category your disability falls into:

  • ADHD
  • Autism spectrum
  • Blind/low vision
  • Chronic health
  • Concussion/traumatic brain injury
  • Deaf/hard of hearing
  • Learning disability
  • Mental health disorder
  • Neurological disorder
  • Physical disability
  • Temporary disability
Step 2: Submit required documentation

Supports are unique to each student. For this reason, disability/medical documentation should be available, as well as any other information on previous accommodations provided at secondary school or any other post-secondary institution.

If you already have your supporting documents when you register, you can submit them within your (see Step 1 above).

If you don't have your supporting documents ready when you register, or are unsure what documents you need, you can submit them when you meet with our Meighen Centre staff (see Step 3 below).

You can also visit the Centre in-person at the Wallace McCain Student Centre, third floor.

Documentation is kept on file with the Meighen Centre and kept confidential as per University guidelines.

Step 3: Meet with Meighen Centre staff

Once we receive your registration, Meighen Centre staff will contact you to arrange an appointment.

Students must meet with Meighen Centre staff to complete the registration process. New students can complete this process once they arrive on campus.

Students are permitted to be accompanied by a parent, guardian, family member, or anyone else they may want to join.

Students should bring any missing or updated documentation.

Questions? We're here to help you every step of the way.

Additional information on required documentation

Documentation is kept on file with the Meighen Centre and kept confidential as per University guidelines.

Documentation of a learning disability/ADHD

In order to provide academic supports and accommodations for a learning disability, an up-to-date (completed within the last 5 years) psychoeducational assessment report (including scores reported in standard score or percentile format) based on standardized adult-normed tests is required from a qualified professional, usually a psychologist.

A student's needs can vary over the course of their education and development. An up-to-date assessment ensures that the most appropriate and relevant supports and accommodations are implemented to facilitate the student's functioning at their potential in a postsecondary learning environment.

Although not learning disabilities per se, symptoms associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder have the potential to impact a student's learning and academic experience. As a result, an assessment that documents their cognitive, academic and socioemotional functioning (as well as relevant recommendations) allows students with these symptoms to access supports that are tailored to their needs.

If a full assessment is unavailable, we will consider documentation that follows the CADDRA guidelines (information below).

Although the nature of the assessment will vary somewhat according to the learning issues, in general the following areas should be assessed and addressed in the report:

  • Intellectual Skills
    WAIS-IV is preferred but WJ-IV COG, Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales 5th Edition, Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales are acceptable; screening measures of intellectual functioning such as WASI-II or KBIT-2 are not sufficient.
  • Attention, Learning & Memory Skills
  • Executive Functioning Skills
    e.g., D-KEFS, WCST, Category Test, Trail Making Test
  • Auditory Processing/Phonological Skills
    e.g., TOPA, CTOPP, Auditory Processing from WJ-IV COG
  • Academic Skills
    e.g., WIAT-III, WJ-IV ACH, TOWL-2, NDRT; screening measures of academic skills such as WRAT-5 are not sufficient
  • Emotional functioning needs
    In addition, because other psychological disorders (e.g., anxiety or mood disorders such as major depression, generalized anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder) or socio-emotional factors have the potential to impair academic performance and/or learning some measure of emotional functioning needs to be included. 
  • Biopsychosocial history
    A comprehensive biopsychosocial history as well as behavioral observations made during the assessment and collateral data are also crucial components to a comprehensive assessment report. This is especially true when there is an ADHD condition in which case care needs to be taken to document the onset and course of ADHD symptoms over time as well as the impact (as relevant) of medication. Rating scales (e.g., Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales, Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning-Adult) may be used to provide data but cannot be the sole source of information or diagnosis.

Please note that the results from an assessment should strongly confirm the presence of a disability. One or two isolated instances of relatively weak subtest scores do not necessarily constitute a learning disability. Furthermore, any recommendations for academic accommodations should be clearly connected to the strengths and weaknesses documented in the report.  

ADHD — Documentation which includes:  

  • A comprehensive physical history paying particular attention to disorders that may mimic the symptoms of ADHD — blood tests may be ordered to rule out any thyroid and kidney issues.  
  • A personal and family history of mental health disorders paying particular attention to disorders that may mimic the symptoms of ADHD -anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance abuse issues and personality disorders.  
  • A personal and family history of cardiac issues.  
  • A review of childhood symptoms - for a diagnosis to occur symptoms must have been present by the age of 12. If possible, a review of old report cards or a discussion with parents can be helpful.  
  • Rating scales of symptoms completed by the adult being assessed and a significant other — those with ADHD are not always best at recognizing their own symptoms and areas where they have difficulties in functioning.  

Report recommendations are only guidelines, however, and not binding on the university. As with all disability related academic and service accommodations, the university's professional staff in consultation with the student will make final decisions on appropriate accommodations.

If you already have a diagnostic psychoeducational report you should submit it when you make an appointment to meet with Meighen Centre staff or send us a copy of your report (mail, fax, or scanned and by e-mail) as soon as you receive your letter of acceptance. This will give us time to read your report and let you know if your report conforms to our requirements. If it does not, this may give you the time to update your testing before the beginning of the semester.

International students   

Students with disabilities from around the world attend ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½. If you have documentation of your disability from your home country, you should bring it with you. If you have questions or concerns please contact us ahead of time at accessibility@mta.ca.

Students visiting from other universities   

If you are coming to ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ from another university for a term or two, the Meighen Centre will attempt to provide a level of support equivalent to that received at your home university. We need a letter from your home university disability service provider that outlines your disability status, and specifies what accommodations they provided. If you have concerns, please e-mail us or call ahead of your arrival to discuss any questions you might have.

The Director of Accessibility and Student Wellness is available to consult with students, parents and diagnosticians regarding any of these guidelines. Email accessibility@mta.ca.

Documentation of other disabilities

In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations, a student must be registered with the Meighen Centre.

Documentation requirements may vary depending on functional limitations. Information on medical documentation required for registration is listed below. This is general information only. Meighen Centre staff can provide more information on registration and required documentation.


We will accept CADDRA proposed documentation and as such it should include:

A: A comprehensive physical history paying particular attention to disorders that may mimic the symptoms of ADHD – blood tests may be ordered to rule out any thyroid and kidney issues.

B: A personal and family history of mental health disorders paying particular attention to disorders that may mimic the symptoms of ADHD – anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance abuse issues and personality disorders.

C: A personal and family history of cardiac issues.

D: A review of childhood symptoms – for a diagnosis to occur symptoms must have been present by the age of 12. If possible, a review of old report cards or a discussion with parents can be helpful.

E: Rating scales of symptoms completed by the adult being assessed and a significant other - those with ADHD are not always best at recognizing their own symptoms and areas where they have difficulties in functioning.

Hearing impairment

A current audiogram completed by a certified audiologist must be submitted as well as information on the following:

A: The severity and permanence of the impairment

B: Symptomology

C: An overview of any functional limitations present due to the impairment

D: Medication side effects (if applicable)

E: Equipment or devices used or recommended (if applicable)

F: Reasonable accommodations or supports to be considered

G: Practitioner credentials including licence number

Medical condition/chronic illness

A report completed by a physician or other licensed medical practitioner with knowledge of the condition/disability must be submitted and include the following information:

A: The severity and permanence of the condition/disability

B: If the condition should be regularly monitored/reassessed

C: An overview of any functional limitations present due to the condition/disability

D: Information on any co-existing conditions

E: Medication side effects (if applicable)

F: Equipment or devices used or recommended (if applicable)

G: Reasonable accommodations or supports to be considered

H: Practitioner credentials including licence number

Mental illness

The Meighen Centre Mental Health Documentation Form or a report completed by a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or physician must be submitted and include the following information: 

A: Confirmation that a disability exists (including diagnosis only with student consent)

B: The severity and permanence of the condition

C: If the condition should be regularly monitored/reassessed

D: Treatment information

E: An overview of any functional limitations present due to the condition

F: An overview of any social/emotional/mental/behavioural considerations (if applicable)

G: Medication side effects (if applicable)

H: Equipment or devices used or recommended (if applicable)

I: Reasonable accommodations or supports to be considered

J: Practitioner credentials including licence number

Neurological disability

A report completed by a neurologist, psychiatrist or physician must be submitted and include the following information

A: The severity and permanence of the condition

B: If the condition should be regularly monitored/reassessed

C: An overview of any functional limitations present due to the condition

D: An overview of any social/emotional/mental/behavioural considerations (if applicable)

E: Medication side effects (if applicable)

F: Equipment or devices used or recommended (if applicable)

G: Reasonable accommodations or supports to be considered

H: Practitioner credentials including licence number

Physical disability

A report completed by a physician, occupational therapist, or other licensed medical professional having knowledge on the disability must be submitted and include the following information:

A: The severity and permanence of the condition

B: If the condition should be regularly monitored/reassessed

C: An overview of any functional limitations present due to the condition

D: Information on any co-existing conditions

E: Medication side effects (if applicable)

F: Equipment or devices used or recommended (if applicable)

G: Reasonable accommodations or supports to be considered

H: Practitioner credentials including licence number

Temporary disability

The Meighen Centre provides accommodations to students with temporary disabilities based on the existence of any functional limitations. Documentation is required. The student should be in contact with the Meighen Centre for information on required documentation.

Visual impairment

A report completed by a certified ophthalmologist or optometrist must be submitted and include the following information:

A: The severity and permanence of the impairment

B: The patient's visual acuity and visual field

C: An overview of any functional limitations present due to the impairment

D: Medication side effects (if applicable)

E: Equipment or devices used or recommended (if applicable)

F: Reasonable accommodations or supports to be considered

G: Practitioner credentials including licence number

Questions? We're here to help you every step of the way.