
Degree programs, minors, majors

Disciplinary BA program

Minor in classical studies

MINOR in classical studies is 24 credits earned as follows:

  • 18 from Classics, Latin, or Greek; or PHIL 1601
  • 6 from Classics, Latin, or Greek at the 3/4000 level

Students may choose a minor program with an emphasis on ancient history, classical literature, or art and archaeology.

Minor in Greek

MINOR in Greek is 24 credits earned as follows:

  • 18 from GREK 1001, 1101, 2001, 2101, and Greek at the 3000 level
  • 6 from Greek, Latin, or Classics
Minor in Latin

MINOR in Latin is 24 credits earned as follows:

  • 18 from LATI 1001, 1101, 2001, 2101, and Latin at the 3000 level
  • 6 from Greek, Latin, or Classics
Major in classical studies

MAJOR in classical studies is 60 credits earned as follows:

  • 6 from LATI 1001, 1101, GREK 1001, 1101 3
  • 6 from Classics, Greek, Latin, of which 24 must be from the 3/4000 level
  • 18 from complementary courses in Arts and Letters and Humanities (or others), chosen in consultation with the program advisor
Honours in classical studies

HONOURS in classical studies is 72 credits earned as follows:

  • 12 from LATI 1001, 1101, GREK 1001, 1101
  • 6 from LATI 2001, 2101, GREK 2001, 2101
  • 6 from Greek/Latin at the 3000/4000 level OR CLAS 4950/4951
  • 48 from Classics/Greek/Latin, of which 33 must be at the 3/4000 level


The following courses are being offered this year. For a full listing of classics courses, please consult the .

Fall 2024

CLAS 1631:  Greece & Rome: The Foundations of Western Civilization
Instructor: B. Robertson

The political and social history of ancient Greece and Rome will be surveyed with a focus on the themes of Law, Politics, War, and Society. Special attention will be paid to Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. and to Rome under Caesar Augustus. (3 credits) [Note: This course is cross-listed with HIST 1631 and may therefore count as 3 credits in either discipline.] (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

CLAS 2411:  Hero’s Quest: Greek and Roman Epic Poetry
Instructor: C. Forstall

This course presents the canonical works of the Greek and Roman Epic traditions: the Trojan war and the rage of Achilles, the wanderings of Odysseus, Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece, and Aeneas' search for a Roman homeland. Students read the original authors in English translation: Homer, Virgil, and Apollonius of Rhodes. The course also introduces key analytical skills necessary for research in the humanities, with a special focus on critical close reading, effective argumentation, and citation of primary sources. (3 credits) (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

CLAS 2501:  Introduction to Archaeology
Instructor:  TBA

An introduction to the methods of archaeological excavation. This course aims to acquaint the student with the theory and basic techniques of archaeology. Examples showing both past and present archaeological research done in the Old and New Worlds will be used to illustrate the topics under discussion. (3 credits) (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

CLAS 3001: Democracy & Imperialism in Classical Greece 
Instructor: B. Robertson

An examination of archaic and classical Greek history and civilization from the emergence of the polis to the fall of the Athenian empire. Main themes include the development of political institutions, warfare, and gender relations. Emphasis is placed on historical methods and the interpretation of ancient evidence. [Note 1: This course is cross-listed with HIST 3001 and may therefore count as 3 credits in either discipline.] (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

CLAS 3201: Greek Tragedy  
Instructor: C. Forstall

A study of Greek tragic drama as it developed in Athens of the fifth century B.C.E. The course will examine (in translation) the main surviving plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

CLAS 3631: Greek Art and Archaeology
Instructor: TBA

This course introduces the art of the ancient Greek world - urban planning, architecture (private and public), sculpture, painting, minor arts - from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. It engages the analyzed monuments and artifacts within the political, economic, religious, intellectual, and social context in which they were created. It uses this contextual approach as a framework for a more comprehensive understanding of art and artistic movements in their diachronic development. It considers other themes such as the way we experience ancient Greek culture today, and questions about archaeological investigative practice, the antiquities trade, and cultural heritage. [Note 1: This course may count as 3 credits in Art History only towards the BA programs in Fine Arts and Art History. Note 2: This course is cross-listed with VMCS 3631 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.] (Format: Lecture 3 Hours) (Exclusions: CLAS 3601; CLAS 3611)

CLAS 3991: The Underworld and Afterlife in Ancient Greece and Rome
Instructor: C. Watson

GREK 1001: Introductory Ancient Greek I
Instructor: C. Forstall

This course introduces the grammar and vocabulary of ancient Greek for students with no previous knowledge of the language. Through grammatical exercises, composition, and the reading of prescribed texts, it develops a basic understanding of the language of classical Athens. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Tutorial 1 Hour) (Exclusion: GREK 1000)

GREK 3101: Readings in Greek Poetry
Instructor: C. Forstall

The translation and study of the work of one or more Greek poets. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

LATI 1001: Introductory Latin I
Instructor:  TBA

An introduction to basic Latin grammar and vocabulary for students with no previous knowledge of the language. This course is based on readings which present not only the fundamentals of Latin but also the Roman world in which it was used. Some effort is made to show the connections between Latin and modern languages (English, French, Spanish). Three class periods per week, plus a fourth hour to be arranged after classes have begun. (3 credits) (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Tutorial 1 Hour) (Exclusion: LATI 1000)

LATI 2001: Intermediate Latin (3 credits)
Instructor: B. Robertson

This course introduces students to the reading of unadapted passages from ancient authors. While the emphasis is on developing a fluency in reading Latin, it also reviews basic Latin grammar and presents some more advanced grammar and syntax. Prereq: LATI 1101; or permission of the Department. Format: Lecture 3 Hours

LATI 3001: Readings in Latin Prose
Instructor: B. Robertson

The translation and study of the work of one or more Latin prose authors. Format: Lecture 3 Hours

LATI 4001: Directed Readings in Latin
Instructor: B. Robertson

This course is a detailed study of one or more Latin authors. [Note 1: Permission of the Department is required. Note 2: LATI 4001 may be taken for credit more than once if the topic differs.] (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

Winter 2025

CLAS 1651:  Classic Mythology: Gods, Goddesses, and the Creation of Order
Instructor: TBA

An introduction to the gods and goddesses of classical myth in the literature, art, and religion of ancient Greece and Rome. The course will examine cosmogonies and divine myths in order to shed light on the views held by the Greeks and Romans about the nature of the relationship between mortal and immortal. Format:  Lecture 3 Hours (3 credits)

CLAS 2021:  Alexander the Great
Instructor:  B. Robertson

An examination of the career of Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic era that followed his conquest of the eastern Mediterranean. Among the main themes included will the goals of Alexander, the new political climate of kingship and patronage that he helped create, the interaction of the Greeks with the civilizations of Egypt and the East, and the integration of new cultural ideas into Greek society. (3 credits) [Note: This course is cross-listed with HIST 2021 and may therefore count as 3 credits in either discipline.] Format:  Lecture 3 Hours. Exclusion: CLAS/HIST 3011

CLAS 2521: The Archaeology of Daily Life in the Greek and Roman World
Instructor:  I. Battiloro

An examination of the evidence used by archaeologists to recreate the social history of ancient Greece and Rome. The course will consider how archaeology can shed light on such topics as the lives of men, women, and children; the home; government; the economy; the army; and entertainment. (3 credits) Format:  Lecture 3 Hours

CLAS 3051: Health & Medicine in the Ancient World
Instructor: B. Robertson

Employing both material and literary evidence, this course surveys the conditions of life and common ailments and treatments of the inhabitants of the Greek and Roman world from ca. 1000 B.C.E. to ca. 500 C.E.. It also examines the origins of Western medicine in Greek and Roman science, alongside its alternatives, such as magic. [Note 1: This course is cross-listed with HIST 3051 and may therefore count as 3 credits in either discipline.] (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

CLAS 3211: Greek and Roman Comedy
Instructor: TBA

A study of Greek and Roman comic drama (in translation) as represented by the work of Aristophanes, Menander, Plautus, and Terence. (Format: Lecture 2 Hours)

CLAS 3621: Archaeology of Southern Italy
Instructor: I. Battiloro

This course surveys the art and archaeology of Magna Graecia and Sicily, the areas of Southern Italy colonized by the Greeks between the 8th and 3rd centuries BC. The course begins with an overview of the Italian cultures living in Southern Italy and Sicily during the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age, and their interaction with contemporary Greek cultures (e.g., Mycenaeans). Most of the course focuses upon the period between the mid-8th century (when Greek colonization started) and the late 3rd century BC (when Rome colonized or otherwise dominated the region). It examines urban planning, architecture (private and public), sculpture, painting, and minor arts. It uses a broad contextual approach, locating archaeological evidence within its historical, political, economic, and cultural context, and pays special attention to concepts such as colonization, cultural interaction, and acculturation, as well as to the differences and similarities between Greek and Roman colonization, and between ancient Greek and modern colonization. [Note 1: This course may count as 3 credits in Art History only towards the BA programs in Fine Arts and Art History Note 2: This course is cross-listed with VMCS 3621 and may therefore count as three credits in either discipline.] (Format: Lecture 3 Hours) (Exclusion: 17/WI CLAS 3991 The Greeks in Southern Italy)

GREK 1101: Introductory Ancient Greek II
Instructor: TBA

A continuation of the study of the ancient Greek language. This course adds new grammar and continues to build vocabulary, while concentrating on the development of a reading facility in ancient Greek. Three class periods per week, plus a fourth hour to be arranged after classes have begun. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Tutorial 1 Hour) (Exclusion: GREK 1000)

GREK 3001: Readings in Greek Prose
Instructor: B. Robertson

The translation and study of the work of one or more Greek prose authors. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours)

LATI 1101: Introductory Latin II
Instructor: B. Robertson

A continuation of the study of the Latin language. While adding new grammar, this course concentrates on reading comprehension and vocabulary building. Three class periods per week, plus a fourth hour to be arranged after classes have begun. (Format: Lecture 3 Hours, Tutorial 1 Hour) (Exclusion: LATI 1000) Prereq: LATI 1001; or permission of the Department.