
The following is a list of scholarships, awards, and prizes specifically for English students.

The McKiel Scholarship

2023 winner: Anne Lautenschlager

Awarded annually to a third-year student who will be completing a majors or honours program in the recipient's fourth year, and who has demonstrated a high level of academic achievement.

According to the terms of the award, a lesser academic standing may be discounted in favour of a higher achievement in such areas as an exceptional commitment to literature, a generous range of knowledge, and the skill of writing lucid expository prose.

Work in all fields of literature is acceptable, but preference will be given to students whose intention is to research and write about some aspect of English language and literature in the period from the late 19th century to our own times. The recipient of the scholarship will be known as the "McKiel Scholar" and will be expected to deliver, toward the end of the winter term of his or her final year, the "McKiel Lecture." In this, the McKiel Scholar will present to the University community the theme and substance of their fourth-year research and writing completed as part of fulfilling the requirements of the degree.

The Allison Watson Beveridge Prize

2023 winner: Isabella Lirette

The income from this fund, established by James M. W. Beveridge in memory of his wife, shall be awarded each year to the graduating student who has demonstrated the highest achievement in completing an English honours or area of concentration program. If, in any year, no student is found deserving of the prize, the income for the year shall be capitalized.

The Jennie Robinson Quinn Scholarship

2023 winner: Tess Casher

From the estate of William G. Quinn, the Jennie Robinson Quinn Scholarship, in memory of his mother, Jennie Robinson, who graduated from ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ Ladies College in 1887, "to be given to the female student having the highest standing in English in the University."

The Grace Tomkinson Memorial Prize in English

2023 winner: Annie Leblanc

The income from the fund established by Joan Tomkinson and Constance Weeks in memory of their mother, Grace Tomkinson, is to be awarded each year on the recommendation of the English department to the third-year student in an English honours program or an English area of concentration who, in the judgment of the English department, has demonstrated the highest achievement in a third-year English course during the year. If, in any year, no student is found to be worthy of the prize, the income for that year shall be added to the principal.

The Edwin Ernest Graham Memorial Prize

2023 winner: Ian Addis

A prize in 2000-level English established by Mrs. Graham in memory of her husband.

The Graham Atlantic Prize in Creative Writing in Memory of Kenneth Ross MacIntyre, M.D.

2023 winner: Sarah Tardiff

This prize was established in 1983 by Dr. Michael R. Graham (Class of ‘58) in memory of his friend, Dr. Kenneth R. MacIntyre. The prize will be awarded to the full-time undergraduate student at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ who submits what is considered by a Committee of the Department of English to be the best and most worthy work of fiction, prose, or poetry.

There is no restriction as to the origin of the student submitting the work, but it is intended that the submission selected be, in the view of the English department, representative in style and/or subject matter, of the literature of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland.

The Roger Calkins Prize in Shakespeare Studies

2023 winner: Rebecca Nicolle

This prize is established by the English faculty in memory of Dr. Roger Calkins, who taught in the Department from 1964 to 1999 and who served as head of the Department from 1980 to 1985.

The Carrie MacMillan Prize in Canadian Literature

2023 winner: Islay Fraser

This prize, established by the English faculty in honour of Dr. Carrie MacMillan, is awarded each year to the student with the highest achievement in the study of Canadian Literature.

The MASU English Departmental Prize

2023 winner: Katherine (Kate) Goodne

This prize is awarded each year by MASU, in consultation with the Department, to the English department's most deserving graduating student. The prize is awarded at the "Last Lecture" event at the end of winter term.

Bryce McKiel Essay Prize

2023 winner: Sara-Ann Strong

Awarded annually to a student who has delivered the most impressive essay on a subject related to the analysis of literature in English, and high achievement in the discipline of good writing and clear thought and has completed two English courses.

Dr. Will R. Bird Memorial Scholarship Prize

2023 winner: Julia Palmer

Awarded by Department to a second-year student with excellent writing skills and interests.