
The Math Assessment Test is used to determine your level of preparation for taking university calculus.

You must take this test if you plan to take MATH 1151.

There is a lot of variation in students’ background in mathematics when they arrive at university, and we have found that students whose background is lacking often struggle quite significantly with calculus.  The Math Assessment Test is designed to check your level of preparation and to determine whether you would be better served by improving your background skills before taking calculus.

If you don’t pass the Math Assessment Test, we strongly encourage you to take Functions (MATH 1011) to help you prepare for calculus. Fall students registered in Math 1151 who do not pass the MAT will automatically be registered in Math 1011.

You will be required to write the MAT at the start of your term.  You will receive instructions at the start of the term about how to take the test. 


To take the MAT practice test:

  • . (You are required to have an account at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ to do this).
  • The  Practice Test is located in the "Miscellaneous" section inside the module titled "Math Assessment Test."
  • You can take this as many times as you like. You are strongly encouraged to complete this practice test before attempting the official test.

Frequently asked questions

The FAQ below includes common questions that students have about the Math Assessment Test. If you have any questions about the test that are not answered here, please e-mail the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at math@mta.ca.

Q: What format is the test?
The MAT is a 60-minute multiple choice test.
Q: Can I start going to class before I take the test?
Yes. Please go to class in your first week of classes, even if you haven't done the test yet.
Q: If I have taken MATH 1011, do I need to take the Math Assessment test?
Students who have taken MATH 1011 and received a grade of C- or higher do not need to take the Math assessment test. Students who take MATH 1011 and receive a grade BELOW C- must take the MAT before they take MATH 1151.
Q: Do I have to take the test if I have already passed the test in a previous year?
Yes. Only students who have taken MATH 1011 at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ and received a grade of at least C- are exempt from the MAT.
Q: If I have taken AP Math before arriving at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½, do I still have to take the MAT?
Yes. Only students who have taken Math 1011 at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ and received a grade of at least C- are exempt from the MAT.
Q: Do I have to take the test again if I have already taken MATH 1151, but failed the course?
Yes. Only students who have taken Math 1011 at ÕýÆ·À¶µ¼º½ and received a grade of at least C- are exempt from the MAT.
Q: When do I take the Math Assessment Test (MAT)?
Students registered in Math 1151 in the fall and winter terms will be contacted by the Math department with the date and time their assessment test will be held on campus.
Q: What about calculators?
No calculators are allowed during the MAT. The questions have all been written to be solvable without a calculator.
Q: How long is the MAT and how much time will I have?
The test has 20 questions. You will have 80 minutes to complete it, and the passing mark is 60%.
Q: How many attempts do I get at the MAT?
Students are allowed ONE attempt only per term. This is why we encourage you to take the practice test before you take the MAT, and review any problems you have issues with, and refresh those skills.
Q: What happens if I fail the test?
Students who do not pass the test will be automatically unregistered from MATH 1151, unless they consult with their professor.
Fall term students will then be automatically enrolled in the preparatory MATH 1011 (Functions) course. Once you have successfully completed Functions you can take Applied Calculus (MATH 1151) without writing the Math Assessment Test again.
We strongly encourage you to take Functions (MATH 1011) to help you prepare for calculus, but you may also choose to prepare on your own. In this case, you will be required to take the MAT again the next time you register for MATH 1151.
Q: If I pass the Math Assessment Test, but don't feel confident in my math background, can I choose to take MATH 1011 instead of MATH 1151?
Yes. Students who successfully complete MATH 1011 first have a higher chance of succeeding at MATH 1151. MATH 1011 is a 3-credit course that counts towards graduation requirements the same as any other 1st-year science course.
Q: I need to review math before I take the test. How do I do this?
There are many ways to review. First, take the online practice assessment test in Moodle. It will show you the areas of math where you are weak. Make a list of areas that you need to review.
The free Functions Course and the Preparing for University Calculus Handbook below will both provide excellent preparation for the MAT.
Two particularly good websites for mathematics preparation are and Note that both these websites cover additional material to what is required to take the test. An additional resource is the which is video based. You will need to select the videos that are relevant to you.



If you would like to refresh your skills before taking the MAT, we have a free preparatory (non-credit) Functions course available here:


Course name:  Precalculus @ MtA
Course ID:  70938
Enrollment key:  precalc

We also have a Preparing for University Calculus handbook available:

For information on the math that you should review before taking a first-year calculus course, the following handbook is a great resource:

Preparing for University Calculus (pdf)